Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Seminars can be just meetings

You name it-I've probably taken the class.  Pasco County School System is famous for it's training classes.  As you know, just because you have heard it or read about it, doesn't mean you have practiced it.  Theoretically, as a close family friend likes to say, a seminar should be helpful.

The term "seminar" conjures up, at least to me, boring, listless, or at best-meetings with perhaps one item of interest.  Sunday I attended a seminar that was interesting and possibly exactly what I needed.  "New Goals, New You" was the title and as much as I like to avoid meetings at all cost, this was worth the time and money invested.

Even if I didn't hear a lot of "new" things, I DID hear some things that I needed to hear as reminders.  I need to focus more on what I'm going to do with the rest of my life.  Organization is the name of the game for me right now.  When I get overwhelmed, I have a tendency to just "quit" and lay down.  That is precisely what I have been doing for the last month; but no more.  It's time for action.  I know what I need to do.  I just have to do it.

Why heaven came to mind, I don't know, but I started to think about what we do in heaven.  That opens another whole realm of questions for me.  I know we will be praising God for about 10, 000 years, but is that  "Heaven years, or Earth years?"  Then what?  Also, what about accountability for what we did on Earth?  How does that work?  If God FORGETS AND FORGIVES, and He does-how will we be accountable for all we've said or done while here on Earth?  If we're going to have to be accountable in Heaven, how does He forgive and forget?  Circular thinking?  It's all so confusing at times.

But, do you believe in coincidences?  Me neither.  If not though, why does the name "Sheila" mean "question" in Hebrew?  Check out Jeremiah 1:5.

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