Monday, October 19, 2009


Seeing yourself as others see you can be interesting, to say the least. I have collected, over the years, an eclectic group of friends and acquaintances. I am an upfront, honest, detail person so it's not surprising when the people who are closest to me "TELL ME LIKE IT IS" even when I don't really want to hear it.

Spending time this past week with Linda, a friend I hadn't seen in a while, certainly illuminated a few of my "faults" that must be very evident. I was told I was always complaining and had control issues. I guess if enough people tell you about a character flaw, it must be true. I was also told I needed to be "kinder" to my husband. Whew. It was certainly a week-end.

I can't say I like criticism, but I am "reflective" at times. I think it helps to know how others perceive you. NOW. What do I do about it?

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