Sunday, May 04, 2008

TO EAT OR NOT TO EAT-That is usually the question

There is this "old-fashioned" drive-in that Bob and I have talked about trying for some time. This week seemed like the right time. It was one of our favorite places when we were younger, we both agreed. And, we hadn't been able to understand why it wasn't crowded like we remembered. We found out.

I have reverted to my old adage - "It seemed like a good idea at the time." If there is one thing that really upsets me it is poor service. It is like being rude; there is no excuse for it. Our "waitress" was obviously either on drugs; needed drugs; or, just didn't care about how her attitude came across to us (the customer).

I ordered 2 #5s with 2 diet cokes (foot long hot dogs with chili, cheese, and onions, with fries). Seems pretty straightforward, right? Wrong!!! We got 3 hot dogs-not foot long; no fries and 2 drinks. I told her, "I only ordered 2 foot long hot dogs." "Oh." And she left. She came back with 2 foot longs; no fries, I reminded her that we also got fries with our order. "Oh." She left again. She came back with the fries and I thought everything was okay until Bob discovered that the drinks were root beers. (I ABSOLUTELY HATE ROOT BEER!!!) By this time, I was really upset but remained calm, and called her again. "We ordered diet cokes, and we got root beer. Could we have this changed?" Once again, "Oh." The hot dogs were mediocre, fries were cold, but the drinks had ice, when we finally got them.

Yesterday was better, but still not on target. At least the waiter was better. He just picked up the wrong order and delivered it to us. Not too bad, considering. And today, we actually got the food we ordered AND the person taking our order was pleasant. (We walked up to the counter and ordered) So, maybe by tomorrow we can go back to a restaurant, sit down and actually get what we ordered from a person with a half-way decent attitude. I really don't think that is too much to ask, do you?

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