There are only 2 types of men in this world-"Mr Macho" or "Mr. Wimpy", and some times they are both at the same time especially if they are sick.
As most everyone knows, Bob has just had major surgery. That in itself has proven to be a real challenge. I had to go back to work, or kill him. I thought it might be better on me to go back to work. I'm not sure yet if I chose wisely. I may still have to kill him. Why you ask?
He has had blood in his urine and one of his incisions is also seeping blood. Normally, this would be cause for concern, right? Not necessarily for Bob. In fact, he was a little upset with me for calling his Dr. After returning my call, the Dr said he needed to see Bob. I left work, raced home to take him and he wasn't sure it was such a good idea. After some "persuading" we went to the Dr and Bob has a urinary infection and needed some special care of his incision.
"So, in other words" I said to the Dr, "It was a good idea for us to come see you?" "Absolutely" was his answer. I turned and looked at Bob with that "See. I told you so" look that he really didn't want to see. Bottom line-He needs to take it easy.
Sometimes he doesn't think I know what I'm talking about. Little does he know - I'm the PRINCESS OF SURGERY. I only have necessary parts left and I should know all about taking care of yourself afterward. And now, do you think he will listen to what I have to say? Yeah. Sure. And if you believe that, I have some swamp land in South Florida for sale.
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