Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Valentine's day has come and gone. It was nice. I got to leave work early; ate dinner with my husband; went to bed early and had the next day off. All in all-a good time. My present was on the dining room table when I got up in the morning. My husband had bought me a framed drawing of Mickey and Minnie, in a "Wedding Day" picture drawn inside an "outlined" heart shape around them. I had seen the picture some time ago and made the comment I really liked it. When he had time to get it, I can't say for he has been working 12-15 hr days for several weeks. I don't know how he does it. I am usually worn out by the end of my 10 hr days, and yet he continues to work this hectic schedule.

He did manage to take off at 12:30 on Tuesday to have his "procedure." I am familiar with many "Medical Procedures," due to my "plethora" of surgeries, but this was one that I had not been "exposed" to in my vast experiences. Bob's TSA counts were elevated, so he had to have an "ultra" sound and biopsy of the prostate gland, which according to him, was, "an unnatural, humiliating, violation of his personal body." (We won't have the results until next Tuesday.)

If you have had the pleasure of meeting Bob, you would know that he tends to "over exaggerate" some times, but according to what I've been told, his discription was pretty much on the mark. There was no anesthesia, no pain-numbing drug nor even a mere "bullet to bite on." So he is still fairly sore, but getting up every morning at 2:30 to be at work at 4. He promises that this will end once the new water park is up and running. I don't know. Seems like he's been saying this for the total time I've known him.

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