Being a human, female, and of a "certain" personality type, sometimes it takes a while for me to "get it." And when I do finally understand something, I think of the statement Charles made when he was about 3 or 4 years old, "I have just had a great relevation."
I have a friend that tells me that I just love men. That is VERY true. I honestly DO love men. I don't know where I got it. It certainly wasn't from my mother. I don't think she liked men at all, from some of her statements. But- I think they are wonderful; better than "sliced bread" most of the time. But I have only "BEEN IN LOVE, with 2 men.
My big "epiphany" is that God Loves Me Because I'm Me! Now to some people, that may not be much of a "NEWS FLASH." But I have been pondering "WHY" , as I often do, about the reason I am with THIS man that I am married to now, and other various things, (but - one thing at a time).
As I have said many times, Bob is so different from my first husband. He is "volatile" at times; uncooperative; stubborn; unaware of my feelings; indifferent; rude; crude, and I could go on, but I think you get the picture. My question, as a matter of fact, just yesterday to my friend Barb was, "I don't know why I am with this man, but for some reason God won't let me let go of him. Today God gave me my answer - Bob is me, before God. And God loved me anyway. Wow! That blew me away.
Bob told me once the reason he fell in love with me and asked me to marry him was that I was different. I "think" he meant it in a nice way, at the time, but IF I am, it is only because of God's great love for me. Oh, I still have my moments and I don't always do everything I am supposed to do-the right way-but I DO know God loves me; He always wants the best for me, and HE IS DEFINITELY STILL IN CONTROL!!!
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