Yesterday when I came home, my wonderful husband had bought me a "authenticated" painting of Pooh. He also bought me a small replica of a sewer pipe with the 4 main "rat" characters from the movie - "Ratatouille." He bought me the DVD of the movie the day it came out and also took me to "Studios" because he found out that "Remy"-the star of the movie- was going to be there signing autographs. I have a picture of Remy and me that my husband arranged to have taken. Tuesday of this week, he arrived home from work with a "Valentine" bear and 3 lovely roses. He has such a good heart. How many husband's buy their wives "RATS", I ask you.

I have discovered that his way of showing his love is to buy me things.
I don't NEED more things, but he NEEDS to get me things, so I try to accept everything he brings home, without too much fuss. Sometimes it's hard. I grew up having strings attached to presents and if I didn't give the right response that was expected for the gift, it was "perceived" as me NOT liking the it and me being "ungrateful." I try to explain to Bob that he doesn't HAVE to buy me anything, but ...
If you could see our apartment, you would understand how "Disney" we really are. So, I will try to accept his gifts graciously, and know that is his way of loving me.
By the way, I named my new bear George. (That is Bob's middle name.)