Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Where is Starbucks when I need them?

There are just SOME things I don't understand. Here I am - 3 am and can't sleep. I know it's been only 4 months since I got married, but I have already become accustomed to someone "breathing" beside me. He doesn't snore, per se; just this "breathing" sound; kind of a soft "wheeze" or something like that.

And, not only am I working 60 million hrs for the last few weeks, but now Bob has to work from 12-12 the next two nights/days. What is with that? Don't they know I can't sleep without him beside me? He has become my sleeping metronome, so to speak. I really think his employer could be a "LIT-T-LE" more considerate. Hey! They may not even know they are disrupting my sleep pattern. Maybe I should tell them. (I guess not.)

But that brings me to Starbucks. Why aren't they open all night? I would be willing to bet if they were open, they would have more business than they could handle. People to work? Not a problem. What about all those "night owls" that can't sleep and need employment; not to mention students who only sleep if absolutely forced to do so? I mean, there are all kinds of employment opportunities just waiting for Starbucks to "snatch" them up at a moment's notice. Huh? Huh? (I could be one of their recruiters.)

I really think I get my best ideas this time of day. Don't you? Sometimes I even amaze myself!

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