For the life of me, I can't understand WHY we have to work. I get up very early in the morning, shower, dress, go to the area I am supposed to be, do my thing, come home, eat dinner, yawn, kiss Bob good night, and I go to bed; only to get up the next day and do it all over again. I don't know about you, but repeated behavior without seeing any positive, forward moving results, is just plain dumb to me. So why do it? Habit? Keeps me off the streets and out of the bars? Yes. That is all so true.
Wouldn't it be better if I was paid to stay home? Or, paid to travel sounds much more exciting even. In fact, it sounds so much better that in another few days, I am going to a meeting to find out all the particulars of a new program my 'employer' is instituting where there is definitely a lot of travel.
Maybe that is what I should do. I will at least go to the meeting and see what it is all about. You've heard the old adage, "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is."
And, I know, I just got married, and have a new husband that I have to consider. I didn't leave him out of the mix. I asked him what he thought. He said, "Whatever you decide, I'll back you." Am I paranoid or did he answer that too quickly?
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
The Basic Needs of Life

According to Kay Arthur, noted speaker and writer, unconditional love is not often given and is extremely hard to find. I have known "unconditional love" from two living things on this earth - Tom, my first husband, and Carson, our family's beloved pet.
I just had a call from my son and Carson has slipped into the realm we know as death. I can't tell you how much hurt that gives me. Once again, I have to reach out to God for strength to get through this. I can barely see the computer screen as I try to write about feelings that have been with me too many times in the last 7 years.
My dad died in 2000; my husband in 2002, my mother in 2003, and now Carson in 2007. The pain of loss has covered me so intensely that breathing is difficult at times.
As memories crowd in, I especially remember one time Carson was with me soon after I had remodeled my house. Even as a very young puppy, Carson had a habit of taking in a full mouth of dried dog food, running to the living room and depositing it on the carpet just so he could eat one piece at a time. My son said it was because the bowl was always in the kitchen area. In order to eat when Tom had a party, Carson would bring his own food to the "party area" as he was not allowed to have "people food."
Shortly after the removal of carpet and the replacement of tile all over my house, Carson came to visit for a few days. Being a creature of habit, at dinner time, Carson grabbed a large mouthful of dried food, turned around to take it to the carpet, and realized there was no carpet to be seen ANYWHERE. His expression was priceless. It was what I call "The deer in headlights" look, one of panic and wide-eyed discovery. You could almost "hear" the wheels moving to trying to figure out what to do.
After a few seconds of disbelief and indecision, he noticed an area rug in the family room, ran over to it and "spit" the food out. After breathing a few "sighs" of relief, he turned around and looked at me with the expression of "How could you do that to me." I nearly fell down laughing he looked so funny.

Even though I don't feel much like laughing now, I know I will always have a smile when I remember his antics and the expressions of his face. And so, as I end this oh so painful diatribe, I must say I am thankful to have had, at least for a little while, someone who loved me "unconditionally."
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Where is Starbucks when I need them?
There are just SOME things I don't understand. Here I am - 3 am and can't sleep. I know it's been only 4 months since I got married, but I have already become accustomed to someone "breathing" beside me. He doesn't snore, per se; just this "breathing" sound; kind of a soft "wheeze" or something like that.
And, not only am I working 60 million hrs for the last few weeks, but now Bob has to work from 12-12 the next two nights/days. What is with that? Don't they know I can't sleep without him beside me? He has become my sleeping metronome, so to speak. I really think his employer could be a "LIT-T-LE" more considerate. Hey! They may not even know they are disrupting my sleep pattern. Maybe I should tell them. (I guess not.)
But that brings me to Starbucks. Why aren't they open all night? I would be willing to bet if they were open, they would have more business than they could handle. People to work? Not a problem. What about all those "night owls" that can't sleep and need employment; not to mention students who only sleep if absolutely forced to do so? I mean, there are all kinds of employment opportunities just waiting for Starbucks to "snatch" them up at a moment's notice. Huh? Huh? (I could be one of their recruiters.)
I really think I get my best ideas this time of day. Don't you? Sometimes I even amaze myself!
And, not only am I working 60 million hrs for the last few weeks, but now Bob has to work from 12-12 the next two nights/days. What is with that? Don't they know I can't sleep without him beside me? He has become my sleeping metronome, so to speak. I really think his employer could be a "LIT-T-LE" more considerate. Hey! They may not even know they are disrupting my sleep pattern. Maybe I should tell them. (I guess not.)
But that brings me to Starbucks. Why aren't they open all night? I would be willing to bet if they were open, they would have more business than they could handle. People to work? Not a problem. What about all those "night owls" that can't sleep and need employment; not to mention students who only sleep if absolutely forced to do so? I mean, there are all kinds of employment opportunities just waiting for Starbucks to "snatch" them up at a moment's notice. Huh? Huh? (I could be one of their recruiters.)
I really think I get my best ideas this time of day. Don't you? Sometimes I even amaze myself!
Monday, July 16, 2007
I just received a notice from Ticketmaster. The Etta James concert that I had tickets for has been cancelled. I can't describe how awful I feel. I have ALWAYS wanted to see her in concert. "House of Blues" at Downtown Disney is small and intimate, and I was really looking forward to this.
I purchased 2 tickets to her concert as a birthday present "from me to me". Bob didn't want to go, so a friend and I planned a "girls night out" with dinner at a local "hot spot", then the concert.
She must have had a good reason. I am so sorry it isn't happening. As my philosophic husband said, "Everything happens for a reason." Yeah. He can say that. It wasn't a big car race for which he had tickets. I think I'll file his comment away for future use. I feel somewhat better already.
I purchased 2 tickets to her concert as a birthday present "from me to me". Bob didn't want to go, so a friend and I planned a "girls night out" with dinner at a local "hot spot", then the concert.
She must have had a good reason. I am so sorry it isn't happening. As my philosophic husband said, "Everything happens for a reason." Yeah. He can say that. It wasn't a big car race for which he had tickets. I think I'll file his comment away for future use. I feel somewhat better already.
Friday, July 13, 2007
My "Four" Sons?

According to Son #2, or the younger son, "I never told him what I wanted to do for my birthday." It couldn't be because he never asked, could it?
I'm certainly glad my husband didn't forget. He went way overboard, though. The first picture is of Lennox china ornaments that I saw when we were on our honeymoon. Mickey and Minnie, of course.

This picture is a beautiful Lennox china tray that I also saw on our honeymoon - The castle at Magic Kingdom surrounded by clouds.
He also got me a Lennox china Pooh, flowers, chocolates, and 2 Remys-The main character from Ratatouille-the new Pixar movie.

This picture is of the my flowers and the Remys. The "Chef" Remy talks. The "Plush" Remy is to snuggle with when Bob isn't here. If you haven't seen the movie, it's worth the time.
I received cards and calls from various friends and that was also nice. I have great friends and really enjoy hearing from them for any reason.
Elizabeth, my friend from Atlanta, is going to one of my favorite places this week-end - Charleston, South Carolina. I love that place and I am "pea green with envy" that she is going and I am not. This working is for the birds. It is really interfering with my personal time.
Bob and I are going to see a presentation of the "Songs of Abba" on Sunday, my only day off this week. I am already so tired that I barely know my name, but next week we start on a new phase of surveys and I will only be facilitating, so I will be able to catch up on my reading while the other people fill out forms. Sounds "cushy" doesn't it? It is, but it is long hours; 10-14 a day.
And, for my present to me - I have tickets to see Etta James in person. I am so excited about that. She is one of my favorite singers and I can hardly wait until next Sat.
Well, you probably know I haven't totally disowned my sons, and I'm sure they have their reasons for not acknowledging my birthday. Bob says I better not put my phone anywhere he can get to it. He's taking this "protecting" things wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too far.
Monday, July 09, 2007
There are so many "days" in my life, especially lately, but the next important day is July 12, my birthday. As I look toward that day, I am excited and yet apprehensive. If you remember, last year was the pits - Tom forgot; Edward only remembers when Tom reminds him; Charles was in Hong Kong; Julie and Family cancelled, and I wasn't seriously dating Bob. So, as I look toward this one I wonder - What will the day hold? I know I have to work-we have a team builder meeting; otherwise I know of no other plans.
Gearing up for ...
I love my job. I have said that very few times in my lifetime. Perks are great, most of the work is easy, and fellow employees are awesome, especially Kim. She is young (about 35, I think) perky, capable, a great mom, and many positive attributes. I would love to dislike her, but I can't. She is too sweet. They call us "Frick and Frack" at work, and she compliments my short comings. But I am very concerned about her - she tries to do too much. And, I see a lot of myself in her. Not that I've ever been cute or perky, or any of the characteristics I attribute to her, but work and energy wise I used to be like her. Therein lies my concern.
Burnout is such an overused word, but it is truly a reality and that is my concern for Kimmie. I would love to help her, but I don't know how. She burns the candle at both ends. I see the tired in her eyes and shoulders. And, day to day she "tries" to keep up with everything at work, but she's losing the battle.
I'm off today for the first time in too many days to count, and why am I up at 4:00 am?; partly habit but also that "workaholic" mentality within me. Where does it come from? Probably years of trying to please my mother, or some such "psychological" reason. I don't even try to figure it out any more. Yes. I DO love my job. But I am seriously thinking of quitting and going somewhere else. Would it help? Probably not. Do I want to work? Yes. Do I want to work somewhere else? No. So thus the dilemma. What do I do? I guess just wait and see. For me, that has always been the best policy. Right now-That's all I can do.
Burnout is such an overused word, but it is truly a reality and that is my concern for Kimmie. I would love to help her, but I don't know how. She burns the candle at both ends. I see the tired in her eyes and shoulders. And, day to day she "tries" to keep up with everything at work, but she's losing the battle.
I'm off today for the first time in too many days to count, and why am I up at 4:00 am?; partly habit but also that "workaholic" mentality within me. Where does it come from? Probably years of trying to please my mother, or some such "psychological" reason. I don't even try to figure it out any more. Yes. I DO love my job. But I am seriously thinking of quitting and going somewhere else. Would it help? Probably not. Do I want to work? Yes. Do I want to work somewhere else? No. So thus the dilemma. What do I do? I guess just wait and see. For me, that has always been the best policy. Right now-That's all I can do.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Honeymoons Are Interesting
Sometimes taking time off can be relaxing; sometimes not. As I have said, Bob and I had not had many days off together so when we decided to have almost two weeks off, we both wondered how it would go.

The beginning of the time off was a little shaky, but for the most part it was enjoyable. We went to one of the on-property hotels and spent 4 days - eating, walking, visiting the parks, and just learning a lot about each other.
Our time off also coincided with the opening of Pixar's new "Ratatouille" which I was dying to see. Of course, my new husband took me to see it. I fell in love with Remy, the lead character. Little did I know, the character was going to be at MGM on opening day. Bob took me and I have pictures with Remy.
My loving husband also bought me 2 stuffed Remys - one is a "plush" if you know what that is, and the other is a talking Remy with a chef hat and spoon.
This is the "plush".
Isn't he adorable?
One thing is for sure - Not many women can boast of getting a rat on their honeymoon.
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