Friday, April 27, 2007

Where are my keys?

Do you know what you need to do when you haven't any way to drive your car? (Don't ask me how I know! ) You have to have your car towed to a dealership (approximately $50.00) they have to "rekey" your car; and THEY charge $100.00 for the privilege of doing so.

Yesterday I had to take Charles' car to work because I had to leave directly after work to pick him up at the airport. He was returning from Nashville and all his luggage won't fit in my car. I really didn't use my car yesterday, but when I went to get something out of my car yesterday evening, I couldn't find my key.

My new husband went into "taking care of the new wife" mode and started suggesting a list of all the things I would need to do, and he would take me to work this morning. He even got out the phone book and checked on which companies had 24 hr services. Bob wasn't going to get off until 7:00pm, and I get off at 4:30, so I called Charles to see if he could bring me home.

I searched high and low and could not find the key. It is very frustrating to me to do something this silly. Recently I have had a very hard time concentrating on some things. Is it age? Is it sensory overload? I don't know, but when something like this happens I find myself stopping almost in mid turn and lifting my heart to the Lord. This is very comforting to me. I love the song "Sometimes He calms the storm and some times He calms His child." I can relate to this.

I told Bob I would put off doing anything until I got home tonight. But, as we pulled into the "Employee Parking Lot" this morning, I knew that my key was there. I don't know how, but my inner voice said, "Go over to where you parked yesterday." That was where I found my key. Why does God take care of me? Because He told me He would take care of me and He always keeps His word. I am so thankful He is dependable.

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