Bob went to work, as usual, about 3 am Sunday morning and about 4 am I got up to get a drink in the kitchen and there on the counter was the cutest Easter basket. Here's a picture of it. I have 1 stuffed bunny, 1 bear with bunny ears, 1 chocolate bunny (no ears now), and a little lamb with lots of chocolate candy. (I have almost overdosed on chocolate). I haven't had an Easter basket in many years. It was so sweet of him. (awwww)
We have decided to take a few days off together in about two weeks. It just happens to be the same week-end that a friend's daughter is getting married, so we will definitely have to do some quick foot work to get it in.
Work is certainly interesting lately. My manager, B, is changing parks and we are getting a new manager at MK. I don't know how this is going to play out, but we will see. MK is a very special place. My oldest son Tom, says I live in Fantasyland in the State of Confusion. And, believe it or not, it works for me.
Here is another picture of the latest flowers My Husband has given me. Wow. That sounds really neat, My Husband. I am not entirely use to this. It kind of takes me by surprise at times. And, when someone uses my married name, that is also different for me.

I love being married though, and not just because I get presents, although that is a real perk, but I like having someone to do things with and coming home to, not to mention just someone to talk with about all kinds of issues.
I asked Bob yesterday if he was happy. He said yes, why? (Good answer, Honey) I said I just wondered. He asked if I was happy. And, of course, I said yes. So, we are getting use to each other, likes and dislikes, hopes and dreams, and yes it is different, but for the most part, we are settling into a nice, even pattern for our lives.
God is good; all the time.
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