Sunday, March 18, 2007

To Bob

March 11, 2007

I cannot give you my youth,
For I’m not sure we would have liked each other;
But, I am not that person any more.

I cannot give you my middle years,
As I was busy living my life and raising my family.

But, at this time in our lives,
I offer you

My undivided attention - to concentrate on your needs;
I bring you laughter, for you will need it living with me,
also rest – and help with all your burdens,
and last, but not least, a home to come to at the closing of each day.

I have only loved two men in my life.
When the first one died, I thought my life was over.
It took a lot of prayer, meditation, and time to be able to even breathe again.

I thank God each and every day that He has allowed you to come into my world.

And, now I pledge you my love for the last time in my life.

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