Saturday, March 10, 2007

THE Last Night

It is past 12:30, which means it is really past 1:30, for as you know, tonight is DST, or aka Daylight Savings Time, and I am "wired" for at least a few more minutes.

This is a very eventful night for me, as most of you know, because I am to be married tomorrow. I keep thinking of "Going to the Chapel, and I'm gonna get married" oldie but Goldie song of the 50s or 60s.

We had a "dinner" with 15 close friends at one of the MK signature restaurants. As I looked around the table, I saw an "eclectic" group of people who came together for this night, just to help us celebrate this wedding tomorrow. All the people there were wishing us well and giving us gifts of love.

So many thoughts are going through me head right now - Is Bob ready for this? Should I postpone it? Where am I going from this? What about my 1st husband? (All 4 sons will be there) Where do I go from here?

Bob is a wonderful man. He seems ready for this. I know I love him and I know he loves me, but one thought that keeps going over and over in my mind is this-I won't be single any more after tomorrow. I will be married. Wow! That is hard for this over-stuffed mind to comprehend. But, I'm willing to take the chance.

And, if you are in the area, just call for directions to the clubhouse. It would be great to have you. And, thanks Marvin. The hair looks great and will look even better tomorrow.

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