I really do like being married. Bob leaves every morning around 3 and kisses me good-bye. I wake up long enough to say "Have a good day, sweetheart" and then I fall back asleep until my alarm goes off at 6. Then I have to get up and get ready to go to WDW. On Friday, I need to be there at 6:45 am because I am "checking out" on my presentation for the Y.E.S. Program (Youth Education Series). I hope I do well. I have to have the first 18 presidents memorized, in order, and be able to pick them out in the H.O.P. display. (I'm working on it) That doesn't even include the other information that I need to know. It's only a 3 hr presentation, but a lot of information. I hope I do well.
When I get home, I usually try to fix Bob some dinner and he eats and goes back to bed. He is working about 12 hrs a day right now due to a project that needs to be finished. I hope this doesn't go on too much longer. He is really tired, and his blood pressure is elevated.
It doesn't sound too exciting, does it? Well, I guess it isn't except we're together in the same place every evening. He is so sweet. And, you know what, I love how he loves me. Little things are so important. He doesn't know how much I appreciate all the things he does. I am so blesssed. I think he feels that way too.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Two week anniversary

We celebrated our first week anniversary with flowers and dinner at a special restaurant in "O" town. This Sunday, our second week anniversary, we celebrated with more flowers and dinner at another wonderful restaurant. And, tonight he gave me the first movie we saw together - "Happy Feet"; really racy, huh?
He declares up and down he's not a romantic. But, I know different. He is TOTALLY romantic and I love it. (Picture of my flowers)
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Marriage is different than being single. Now that in itself doesn't sound very profound. But, you have to remember - I was single for almost 5 years. Even though I lived with my son, Charles, it wasn't like being a couple or having to "report" to him about everything I do. Bob actually wants to be consulted about things. What is with that?
Seriously, I had forgotten that you have to include husbands in decisions, even the small ones. Such as going to a "baby shower" after work or a concert that lasts until the late hours of the night. I know we are to "become one", so to speak, but it's the becoming that is the hard part.
Also, I don't think I get crabby when I am tired, but I could be wrong. It has been "noted" that I could possibly at some time during the day act a little "not" sociable when I am tired. I find that hard to believe because to me, I usually get "quiet" when I am tired, but who's to say the other person is not really correct in their diagnosis. Needless to say, I hope that isn't true.

Seriously, I had forgotten that you have to include husbands in decisions, even the small ones. Such as going to a "baby shower" after work or a concert that lasts until the late hours of the night. I know we are to "become one", so to speak, but it's the becoming that is the hard part.
Also, I don't think I get crabby when I am tired, but I could be wrong. It has been "noted" that I could possibly at some time during the day act a little "not" sociable when I am tired. I find that hard to believe because to me, I usually get "quiet" when I am tired, but who's to say the other person is not really correct in their diagnosis. Needless to say, I hope that isn't true.
Something that is also different is "becoming a couple." Now that is a concept that is not totally foreign to me. Tom and I were a couple that did things separately at times, and that was okay. But, Bob doesn't like to do a lot of "apart" things. I think it may be time to define some areas of our experiences. I don't know. This could get interesting.
More pics:
This is my "son" Bret, who has a marvelous voice and sang at our wedding. He is so very talented. I am so blessed to have him in my life.

This is Byron, former pastor and friend from college. He remarried Tom and me about 15 years ago. I promised him this was my last wedding. He just laughed.
A view of the wedding party while the ceremony was taking place. Sara, Bob's Best Person, was included in this shot.
This is the whole "gang" or the wedding party; all family. My babies are in the front. Aren't they cute? Bob and I are in the middle. He's cute too.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
To Bob
March 11, 2007
I cannot give you my youth,
For I’m not sure we would have liked each other;
But, I am not that person any more.
I cannot give you my middle years,
As I was busy living my life and raising my family.
But, at this time in our lives,
I offer you
My undivided attention - to concentrate on your needs;
I bring you laughter, for you will need it living with me,
also rest – and help with all your burdens,
and last, but not least, a home to come to at the closing of each day.
I have only loved two men in my life.
When the first one died, I thought my life was over.
It took a lot of prayer, meditation, and time to be able to even breathe again.
I thank God each and every day that He has allowed you to come into my world.
And, now I pledge you my love for the last time in my life.
I cannot give you my youth,
For I’m not sure we would have liked each other;
But, I am not that person any more.
I cannot give you my middle years,
As I was busy living my life and raising my family.
But, at this time in our lives,
I offer you
My undivided attention - to concentrate on your needs;
I bring you laughter, for you will need it living with me,
also rest – and help with all your burdens,
and last, but not least, a home to come to at the closing of each day.
I have only loved two men in my life.
When the first one died, I thought my life was over.
It took a lot of prayer, meditation, and time to be able to even breathe again.
I thank God each and every day that He has allowed you to come into my world.
And, now I pledge you my love for the last time in my life.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Some pics:
This is the cake that Publix made. Bob bought me the topper, which, of course, is Mickey and Minnie.

The display of a copy of our invitation. Mary, the caterer, asked for this to display because she liked the invitation.
This is "one" of the tables that Mary set up with the delicious food that was served.
This is one of my babies - MacKayla. She was one of my flower girls.
So far, so good. We wanted everyone to help us celebrate, eat lots, and just have fun. I think they did.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Saturday, March 10, 2007
THE Last Night
It is past 12:30, which means it is really past 1:30, for as you know, tonight is DST, or aka Daylight Savings Time, and I am "wired" for at least a few more minutes.
This is a very eventful night for me, as most of you know, because I am to be married tomorrow. I keep thinking of "Going to the Chapel, and I'm gonna get married" oldie but Goldie song of the 50s or 60s.
We had a "dinner" with 15 close friends at one of the MK signature restaurants. As I looked around the table, I saw an "eclectic" group of people who came together for this night, just to help us celebrate this wedding tomorrow. All the people there were wishing us well and giving us gifts of love.
So many thoughts are going through me head right now - Is Bob ready for this? Should I postpone it? Where am I going from this? What about my 1st husband? (All 4 sons will be there) Where do I go from here?
Bob is a wonderful man. He seems ready for this. I know I love him and I know he loves me, but one thought that keeps going over and over in my mind is this-I won't be single any more after tomorrow. I will be married. Wow! That is hard for this over-stuffed mind to comprehend. But, I'm willing to take the chance.
And, if you are in the area, just call for directions to the clubhouse. It would be great to have you. And, thanks Marvin. The hair looks great and will look even better tomorrow.
This is a very eventful night for me, as most of you know, because I am to be married tomorrow. I keep thinking of "Going to the Chapel, and I'm gonna get married" oldie but Goldie song of the 50s or 60s.
We had a "dinner" with 15 close friends at one of the MK signature restaurants. As I looked around the table, I saw an "eclectic" group of people who came together for this night, just to help us celebrate this wedding tomorrow. All the people there were wishing us well and giving us gifts of love.
So many thoughts are going through me head right now - Is Bob ready for this? Should I postpone it? Where am I going from this? What about my 1st husband? (All 4 sons will be there) Where do I go from here?
Bob is a wonderful man. He seems ready for this. I know I love him and I know he loves me, but one thought that keeps going over and over in my mind is this-I won't be single any more after tomorrow. I will be married. Wow! That is hard for this over-stuffed mind to comprehend. But, I'm willing to take the chance.
And, if you are in the area, just call for directions to the clubhouse. It would be great to have you. And, thanks Marvin. The hair looks great and will look even better tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
It seemed like a good idea at the time
With only 4 more nights, you would think I would be engaging in some crazy, wild time out partying with friends, etc. but no, I'm home doing laundry. Bob is at the apartment, probably going to sleep by now. (He has to be up at 2:30, remember) We are just too tired to do any extra things right now. We did go to Wendy's for a quick chili, and then to Kohl's to pick up a "teddy" like top to go with my new red outfit I want to wear Sunday. That was it. Oh yes, I did stop for gas at 7-11. I did not feel like reshelfing any books tonight or rearranging knick knacks.
Work has been crazy, although today was better than yesterday. I had a friend, Kristen, who said she was going to text me every 10 minutes Sunday night. I told her my phone would NOT be on then and neither would my pager. That doesn't sound like much, but if you know me, you know that I sleep with my phone on the bed beside me. That is for Bob's text message at 3:30 am every morning. He started doing that the night after we started dating and continues it on the days he works @ SW. At first I couldn't go back to sleep, but now I answer him, and fall right back to sleep. That will probably stop when we get married. After all, he won't need to do that then. I will enjoy giving up my phone by my side each night, but what could I replace it with that would be as necessary? Maybe a good night's sleep?
Work has been crazy, although today was better than yesterday. I had a friend, Kristen, who said she was going to text me every 10 minutes Sunday night. I told her my phone would NOT be on then and neither would my pager. That doesn't sound like much, but if you know me, you know that I sleep with my phone on the bed beside me. That is for Bob's text message at 3:30 am every morning. He started doing that the night after we started dating and continues it on the days he works @ SW. At first I couldn't go back to sleep, but now I answer him, and fall right back to sleep. That will probably stop when we get married. After all, he won't need to do that then. I will enjoy giving up my phone by my side each night, but what could I replace it with that would be as necessary? Maybe a good night's sleep?
Monday, March 05, 2007
Where is my bed?
The movers came today to take away all my earthly possessions; well, at least MOST of my earthly possessions. Sounds pretty sad, right? Not at all. They moved most of my furniture to our new apartment. The only problem is they also moved my bed.
Now I don't want to wax too sentimental, but I love my bed. I hand picked it a few years ago after Tom died. I couldn't sleep in our bed, so my friend Deb went with me several times until I found JUST THE RIGHT ONE! And for me to have to give it up, even for just a week, is almost traumatic - tantamount to being displaced and homeless.
Okay. Not really. I do tend to be a "tiny" melodramatic. Our new apartment is looking like home. My friend, Antoinette, who cleans for me, is cleaning tomorrow and then I can put back all my books and "stuff."
When I say stuff, I really mean stuff. Bob and I must be the two biggest Disney collectors, in the world, except for my son Charles. You name it, we have it. It is only a 2 bedroom apartment, so space IS limited but we will put out as much as possible. Bob has some cool stuff too. I don't want to admit that his is cooler than mine, but...
So the saga goes. Only 6 more nights and the big day. If I had enough energy, I might actually be concerned about the pssibility of something going wrong with the wedding plans, but since I don't, I won't. It is pretty sad when Bob and I both have to take naps just to have enough energy to go to dinner. Hopefully, after Sunday we both will have some rest time. Then again, maybe it won't be for a while after we get married.
Now I don't want to wax too sentimental, but I love my bed. I hand picked it a few years ago after Tom died. I couldn't sleep in our bed, so my friend Deb went with me several times until I found JUST THE RIGHT ONE! And for me to have to give it up, even for just a week, is almost traumatic - tantamount to being displaced and homeless.
Okay. Not really. I do tend to be a "tiny" melodramatic. Our new apartment is looking like home. My friend, Antoinette, who cleans for me, is cleaning tomorrow and then I can put back all my books and "stuff."
When I say stuff, I really mean stuff. Bob and I must be the two biggest Disney collectors, in the world, except for my son Charles. You name it, we have it. It is only a 2 bedroom apartment, so space IS limited but we will put out as much as possible. Bob has some cool stuff too. I don't want to admit that his is cooler than mine, but...
So the saga goes. Only 6 more nights and the big day. If I had enough energy, I might actually be concerned about the pssibility of something going wrong with the wedding plans, but since I don't, I won't. It is pretty sad when Bob and I both have to take naps just to have enough energy to go to dinner. Hopefully, after Sunday we both will have some rest time. Then again, maybe it won't be for a while after we get married.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
One of the things I hated about moving to Orlando was that I had to leave some very close, wonderful friends. This week-end two came to visit. The time was too short, but, I always have a great time with them and they accept me just the way I am. That is a true friend.
I had class on Friday and left MK to come home to clean and change the sheets. They arrived about about 3:30 and we met Bob for dinner. They like him. I'm glad. I thought they would.
Sat I went back for my last class. Stephanie and Jody from Nashville, met Charles for breakfast and then came to the MK. It was so great to see them. Sarah Clayton is growing like a "weed" and so beautiful. I couldn't stay long because I had tickets to a Braves game where I was going to meet my two friends. Braves lost but a good time was had by all. Sometimes it isn't about the game, just the "good times" and how much junk you can eat. We met Bob for dinner at the Sports Cafe. We went to the storage unit to try to start to empty it. After the second trip, it started to rain and we had to stop. We had hoped to go to one of the parks on Sunday, but they chose instead to help me clean out the unit, wash the clothes, and put things away.
I am so blessed - a wonderful man in my life; friends that go more than the "extra mile" when helping me, and a brand new life. It doesn't get much better.
I had class on Friday and left MK to come home to clean and change the sheets. They arrived about about 3:30 and we met Bob for dinner. They like him. I'm glad. I thought they would.
Sat I went back for my last class. Stephanie and Jody from Nashville, met Charles for breakfast and then came to the MK. It was so great to see them. Sarah Clayton is growing like a "weed" and so beautiful. I couldn't stay long because I had tickets to a Braves game where I was going to meet my two friends. Braves lost but a good time was had by all. Sometimes it isn't about the game, just the "good times" and how much junk you can eat. We met Bob for dinner at the Sports Cafe. We went to the storage unit to try to start to empty it. After the second trip, it started to rain and we had to stop. We had hoped to go to one of the parks on Sunday, but they chose instead to help me clean out the unit, wash the clothes, and put things away.
I am so blessed - a wonderful man in my life; friends that go more than the "extra mile" when helping me, and a brand new life. It doesn't get much better.
Weekly Count down
If you have been reading this blog for a while, you know that one week from today @ 2 pm, I am getting married. As my first husband use to say, "This week has been interesting, if not enjoyable."
Class is over. I received a pin. I just have to have an observation by one of the senior members. And, that is where I get nervous. Am I ready? Not yet, but I will be. Everyone in the program has been fantastic. Our two trainers were so gracious, upbeat, and positive. Even in the midst of all my chaos, this class has been a sort of "haven" to retreat to for a few hours. I will get checked out some time in April. I've asked for a few weeks to "let the dust settle" so to speak.
I've had two friends visiting this week-end. In the midst of all the "happenings" these two friends, more like sisters, have come to help me get through some of the necessary things I had to do. We've had a great time - we've laughed, we've cried, we've eaten, and laughed some more. They are moving my storage stuff into the apartment. (Where did I get all these books?) We went to a ballgame. We're going to visit a "whale" today, thanks to Bob. But, the most important thing they have done is "just be here for me." For that I am so grateful. I've told you I have awesome friends. They are just like the pizza man, "They always deliver." (I still don't have a dress to wear.)
Class is over. I received a pin. I just have to have an observation by one of the senior members. And, that is where I get nervous. Am I ready? Not yet, but I will be. Everyone in the program has been fantastic. Our two trainers were so gracious, upbeat, and positive. Even in the midst of all my chaos, this class has been a sort of "haven" to retreat to for a few hours. I will get checked out some time in April. I've asked for a few weeks to "let the dust settle" so to speak.
I've had two friends visiting this week-end. In the midst of all the "happenings" these two friends, more like sisters, have come to help me get through some of the necessary things I had to do. We've had a great time - we've laughed, we've cried, we've eaten, and laughed some more. They are moving my storage stuff into the apartment. (Where did I get all these books?) We went to a ballgame. We're going to visit a "whale" today, thanks to Bob. But, the most important thing they have done is "just be here for me." For that I am so grateful. I've told you I have awesome friends. They are just like the pizza man, "They always deliver." (I still don't have a dress to wear.)
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