Tuesday, January 02, 2007

To Do or Not To Do?

Confrontation is not easy for me. I come from a family of "avoiders." The philosophy, unspoken but practiced, is "Leave it alone. It will fix itself." This is not always the case.

I went to our storage space today and discovered that approximately 1/3 of our "stuff" is no longer there. When Julie and I went there to get the Christmas decorations in November, there were boxes from back to front and stacked up almost to the top of the space. No so now.

The remaining boxes were not stacked neatly, a lid was off a remaining storage bin, and there was more than enough room for the Christmas decoration boxes we were returning in addition to the three new large bins we had just purchased.

I'm not accusing anyone. I want to make that perfectly clear!!! But, the only people I know were in there were our cleaning people. The husband offered to return our empty Christmas boxes to storage for me. So, do I change the lock to the storage, change the combination to enter the area, have the lock to the apartment changed and notify the cleaning people that we no longer need their services? Or, do I just continue the way we are going and try to ignore the feelings I have?

There are decisions that I have to make. My son wants to be left out of it. He said to do what I think I need to do. Probably, if there had not been items I can not find in the apartment, I would ignore it.

I am forced to admit, "I have to do something." There are decisions to be made and I hate making them by myself. (Where is Tom when I need him?) Being a grownup is not all it's cracked up to be.

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