Friday, June 16, 2006

A day in the life

Today is a day off. I only have a few more days until I start working full time. Interesting, isn't it? I moved to Orlando, and took a job a few days a week, just to earn a little more money, and now I'm going full time, with extra duties as a trainer, and, well, who knows what else that will lead to.

I have "mixed emotions" with the impending event of full-time work again. I am already working 4 or 5 days a week, so logic says, I should make it official and enjoy all the extra benefits. Then my lazy side kicks in and says, "Yeah, but you could always take off when you wanted to do so, and those extra off days are reallllllllllllly nice". We'll see.

I have all sorts of errands to do today - get some money from ATM, call insurance co., pick up gift for party tonight, run to get another pair of pants that goes with my uniform, and the list goes on. The different pants are necessary because I split my shorts last night "after" I arrived home. And how, might you ask, did I do that? It seems to be very easy for me. In order to get them to fit "around", they end up being too long. When it's sticky and hot outside, the clothing sticks to my body and when I bend down, the seam splits.

It helps to also know that the clothing has been "used" quite a bit and they are old, but I still have to work next week so I'll go by and pick up another pair today, just adding to my list of things to do. (And, right in the middle of "blogging", my son called and asked me to help him get friends into the park, like RIGHT NOW! You know - I NEVER realized how much extra time I had Charles expend when I had him get me into the park all those years before I started working there. He has NEVER once complained. He is so awesome. God was really good to me when He allowed us to have my sons. I am sooooooooooo grateful for both of them.)

Don't get me wrong, I actually like driving around doing errands. The weather here is beautiful, I have a mustang convertible, and with the top down it is an unbelievable feeling of almost flying.

For some reason, emotions are running high all around me right now - my son is getting ready to go back to Hong Kong for a few weeks and there is a rush to get everything ready for that. A friend's closest companion, her dog, died this week. I have had several friends e-mail or call for prayer and "LIFE" is very intense all around me. And, it seems when I try to get something done so many things crop up to add extra work to my timeline. Oh well. Again, that's Life.

We are going to Bonefish tonight for Bret's birthday. Again, I am so blessed with wonderful people. Bret and Julie, and the girls are such a wonderful addition to our family. I could never explain how they have enriched and broadened all the experiences of my life. They have moved into my days and added "excitement" and busyness. And, I love them as if they had always been there. I'm looking forward to tonight.

Oops. Forgot to stop at the ATM.

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