I'm out again today. I showed up and my "boss" told me I looked terrible and told me to go home. Ordinarily, that would have resulted in a wise-crack comeback, but I felt too bad. So, I left work and came home. I also called my Dr and went to see him. Sinus/bronchitis/ear infection - more antibiotics and predisone. I'm so sick and tired of being sick and tired.
My loving friend Julie suggests "probiotics." This is supposedly the new cureall of modern day. It will heal my stomach and my sinus. Sounds too good to be true. I will probably give it a try, eventually, but today - I'm just too tired to go out and get some. I'll feel better with several days rest.
My pastor gave us a challenge last week. His question - "What is the hardest thing for you to do as a Christian?" After some consideration, I narrowed it down to one or two things - basically my biggest problem seems to be WAITING. What am I waiting on? I'm not even sure of that. I DO know I have been in a waiting pattern for about the last 5 years. That is evident by the answers to my prayers. Every time I get desperate and need a definite answer to what is going on and where I am supposed to be, somehow the answer comes back to "WAIT" and wait some more.
Waiting is hard for me. I am a "do it, get through it, and on to something else" type person. I don't ever want to wait. Why should I? As someone so aptly reminded me this week, "So you think the whole universe revolves around you?" Yes, pretty much. God thinks I'm special and gives me special things, so, yes, I could get that impression. But, in reality? God loves me, and I'm truly blessed. I heard Joyce Meyer say once, "I'm an heir of the God of the Universe, and I want all that involves." You know what, me too.
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