Last night was another first for me. I drove 1 1/2 hrs, bumper to bumper in Memorial Day Friday afternoon traffic, with the top up because of the heat, with my final destination being the middle of a cow pasture, in a remote FL town, with limited parking, beside approximately 5,000 other people who came to hear a Christian Contemporary Group - Mercy Me.
Anyone who knows me, knows that cow pastures and I JUST DON'T GO TOGETHER. My idea of camping is having one bathroom in my hotel accomodations, and a black and white TV to view. It's probably another one of those "interesting if not enjoyable" experiences that I probably won't do again, but for last night, it was okay.
I had to go by myself, and that in itself is a "bummer" for me. I love being with people and try to avoid doing things by myself, yet this was totally different. My son, who works waaaaaaaaaay too much was too tired to go, and he backed out at the last minute. Not a problem. He needed the rest. I wasn't exactly sure WHERE I was going, but with a little help from a few people along the way, I made it.
I joined some other friends there, ate lots of good food, especially free corn on the cob, and stayed for the concert. I got home about 10:30 to find out that we had reservations for a "MEET AND GREET" with the group that my son "forgot" to mention to me. I'm okay with that because I have been to a lot of those and if I miss one, it's not the end of the world. But, I was impressed with the crowd. People put trash where it belonged, were courteous and polite even though there was not much "wiggle" room in the area, and were appropriately responsive when the groups sang. All in all, it was a great experience. Terri Clark is there tonight. I wonder. Do I dare brave it again?
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Did you ever feel that you were in the wrong place at the wrong time? That has been me the last few days.
First, my cleaning lady came on Thursday, not Tuesday and I needed to get out of her way, so I took a drive to Titusville. For those of you who aren't familiar with Orlando, that is NE of Orlando and a somewhat beach area. I knew I had to give her at least 2-3 hrs, and for the most part it is relaxing for me to drive, so I discovered a new beach in Titusville area.
I had never been in that area before and decided to explore. I ended up in a "Secured Area" which is not unusual in this area because of Disney and NASA, but after I was redirected to another road I discovered the "sites" were ascending - 1, 2, 3, etc. I decided to follow it to the end, which happened to be #13. I parked, and went across the road, over the dune, and was standing on the platform onto the beach. I decided to call my friend, Barb in KY. She loves the beach and whenever I am afforded the time, and can go to the beach, I think of her and usually call her while I am there.
As I was talking with her, I suddenly discovered I had found a "Nude" beach area. I said, "A, Barb, I have to call you back. I need to leave this area." Of course, she asked why. When I told her, she was shocked, to say the least. It's really a good thing I didn't have my glasses on, because my "visuals" would have been much more in focus and maybe a little more upsetting. I stopped at the gate and asked two questions - "Is this beach area closed when there is a shuttle launch", and "Are all the areas nude, or just the last one?" The beach IS closed at a shuttle launch, and only the last area is a nude area. Great to know, huh?
My concern is, What if I had had one of my two young friends with me? That would have been reallllly hard to explain to them and their parents. Granted, it's not my cup of tea, nude bathing, but also there should be some sort of notification SOMEWHERE for those of us who do not ...
Then, today, on my way to visit some friends on the "other side of the pond", there were 4 wrecks; one with a body on the ground covered by a tarp; another one that necessitated traffic being totally rerouted about 10 miles - tying up a major, 3 lane interstate. The others were minor.
Much later in the day, on the way back from the breakfast with friends, I stopped at a local establishment to get a sandwich for lunch, and I was in the middle of a drug buy before I hardly knew what was happening.
So, you see, it makes me wonder. Was I supposed to be where I was or did I miss something? Who's to say at this point. I just know, I'm finally home, and I'm glad. And, aren't you glad I didn't take any pictures to add to this entry?
First, my cleaning lady came on Thursday, not Tuesday and I needed to get out of her way, so I took a drive to Titusville. For those of you who aren't familiar with Orlando, that is NE of Orlando and a somewhat beach area. I knew I had to give her at least 2-3 hrs, and for the most part it is relaxing for me to drive, so I discovered a new beach in Titusville area.
I had never been in that area before and decided to explore. I ended up in a "Secured Area" which is not unusual in this area because of Disney and NASA, but after I was redirected to another road I discovered the "sites" were ascending - 1, 2, 3, etc. I decided to follow it to the end, which happened to be #13. I parked, and went across the road, over the dune, and was standing on the platform onto the beach. I decided to call my friend, Barb in KY. She loves the beach and whenever I am afforded the time, and can go to the beach, I think of her and usually call her while I am there.
As I was talking with her, I suddenly discovered I had found a "Nude" beach area. I said, "A, Barb, I have to call you back. I need to leave this area." Of course, she asked why. When I told her, she was shocked, to say the least. It's really a good thing I didn't have my glasses on, because my "visuals" would have been much more in focus and maybe a little more upsetting. I stopped at the gate and asked two questions - "Is this beach area closed when there is a shuttle launch", and "Are all the areas nude, or just the last one?" The beach IS closed at a shuttle launch, and only the last area is a nude area. Great to know, huh?
My concern is, What if I had had one of my two young friends with me? That would have been reallllly hard to explain to them and their parents. Granted, it's not my cup of tea, nude bathing, but also there should be some sort of notification SOMEWHERE for those of us who do not ...
Then, today, on my way to visit some friends on the "other side of the pond", there were 4 wrecks; one with a body on the ground covered by a tarp; another one that necessitated traffic being totally rerouted about 10 miles - tying up a major, 3 lane interstate. The others were minor.
Much later in the day, on the way back from the breakfast with friends, I stopped at a local establishment to get a sandwich for lunch, and I was in the middle of a drug buy before I hardly knew what was happening.
So, you see, it makes me wonder. Was I supposed to be where I was or did I miss something? Who's to say at this point. I just know, I'm finally home, and I'm glad. And, aren't you glad I didn't take any pictures to add to this entry?
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
One more time
I'm out again today. I showed up and my "boss" told me I looked terrible and told me to go home. Ordinarily, that would have resulted in a wise-crack comeback, but I felt too bad. So, I left work and came home. I also called my Dr and went to see him. Sinus/bronchitis/ear infection - more antibiotics and predisone. I'm so sick and tired of being sick and tired.
My loving friend Julie suggests "probiotics." This is supposedly the new cureall of modern day. It will heal my stomach and my sinus. Sounds too good to be true. I will probably give it a try, eventually, but today - I'm just too tired to go out and get some. I'll feel better with several days rest.
My pastor gave us a challenge last week. His question - "What is the hardest thing for you to do as a Christian?" After some consideration, I narrowed it down to one or two things - basically my biggest problem seems to be WAITING. What am I waiting on? I'm not even sure of that. I DO know I have been in a waiting pattern for about the last 5 years. That is evident by the answers to my prayers. Every time I get desperate and need a definite answer to what is going on and where I am supposed to be, somehow the answer comes back to "WAIT" and wait some more.
Waiting is hard for me. I am a "do it, get through it, and on to something else" type person. I don't ever want to wait. Why should I? As someone so aptly reminded me this week, "So you think the whole universe revolves around you?" Yes, pretty much. God thinks I'm special and gives me special things, so, yes, I could get that impression. But, in reality? God loves me, and I'm truly blessed. I heard Joyce Meyer say once, "I'm an heir of the God of the Universe, and I want all that involves." You know what, me too.
My loving friend Julie suggests "probiotics." This is supposedly the new cureall of modern day. It will heal my stomach and my sinus. Sounds too good to be true. I will probably give it a try, eventually, but today - I'm just too tired to go out and get some. I'll feel better with several days rest.
My pastor gave us a challenge last week. His question - "What is the hardest thing for you to do as a Christian?" After some consideration, I narrowed it down to one or two things - basically my biggest problem seems to be WAITING. What am I waiting on? I'm not even sure of that. I DO know I have been in a waiting pattern for about the last 5 years. That is evident by the answers to my prayers. Every time I get desperate and need a definite answer to what is going on and where I am supposed to be, somehow the answer comes back to "WAIT" and wait some more.
Waiting is hard for me. I am a "do it, get through it, and on to something else" type person. I don't ever want to wait. Why should I? As someone so aptly reminded me this week, "So you think the whole universe revolves around you?" Yes, pretty much. God thinks I'm special and gives me special things, so, yes, I could get that impression. But, in reality? God loves me, and I'm truly blessed. I heard Joyce Meyer say once, "I'm an heir of the God of the Universe, and I want all that involves." You know what, me too.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
No Magic Today
I had to leave work shortly after I got there today. It is not something I do easily. I was raised with a very strong work ethic and to NOT go to work or leave, is hard for me. But, I had some sort of "sick" feeling and prayed NOT TO be sick before I left property. My prayers were answered. I got home then was sick. I'm feeling better now though. I don't know what caused it. But, I'm sure I will be okay for work tomorrow.
Today was a rainy day. Praise God. We DESPERATELY need rain; wild fires are consuming a lot of undergrowth. That in itself isn't bad, but when lives and property are involved, this is disastrous. Today's rain has been steady and most of the day. It is wonderful.
I had a crazy dream last night. Maybe I wasn't feeling well then, but it was about a guy at work. I was fixing him dinner here at the apt. I fixed stuffed pork chops, green beans, salad, with a jello/whipped cream dessert. It was so real.
I saw the guy today. I had to laugh. Yea, I would probably like to fix dinner for him, and maybe that was part of it, but he shows little or no interest in me personally. I am reminded of the character from "Country Bear Jamboree" - You know; the one who comes down out of the ceiling - Her song is "All the men that turn me on, turn me down."
Oh well. Life goes on. But, there definitely was no magic in my life today. And, I can live with that.
Today was a rainy day. Praise God. We DESPERATELY need rain; wild fires are consuming a lot of undergrowth. That in itself isn't bad, but when lives and property are involved, this is disastrous. Today's rain has been steady and most of the day. It is wonderful.
I had a crazy dream last night. Maybe I wasn't feeling well then, but it was about a guy at work. I was fixing him dinner here at the apt. I fixed stuffed pork chops, green beans, salad, with a jello/whipped cream dessert. It was so real.
I saw the guy today. I had to laugh. Yea, I would probably like to fix dinner for him, and maybe that was part of it, but he shows little or no interest in me personally. I am reminded of the character from "Country Bear Jamboree" - You know; the one who comes down out of the ceiling - Her song is "All the men that turn me on, turn me down."
Oh well. Life goes on. But, there definitely was no magic in my life today. And, I can live with that.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Just one of the Jones Boys
Last night I went to one of the "geriatric" circuit's concerts (His statement; not mine.) I had not seen Davey Jones live in concert, but surely remembered the music. Wed night I saw "The Association."
This was my era; peace, love, "flower power" time. I sang; I swayed; enjoyed it. It brought back a lot of old memories - football games, dances I wasn't supposed to attend, and people that I grew up with; some no longer alive.
Afterward I was privileged to attend a friend's birthday party at a local establishment. I must be getting old. I am starting to remember "The Good Ole Days." I remind myself of my mother who used to talk about her life and how good it was "way back when."
It also made me think of Sunday, which is Mother's Day. My own Mother died in 2003, after a short illness. I had not been with my Dad, when he died; nor with my husband. But I asked God if I could be with my Mother, and He granted that request.
For the last several weeks before she died, my sister, Susan, who lives in Montana, and I took turns being with her. I would go before school time, around 5 am, stay for an hour or two and then go to school. Susan would visit between 10 and 3 and stay for a while. I would stop off before I went home after school, and stay for a while longer. This regime went on from August until her death in October.
Her nurse told me when she only had approximately 24 hrs left. (You can tell by the nails - hand and foot- they gradually turn purple.) I learned a lot about death during those 3 years. My father died in 2000; my husband in 2002 and my mother 2003.
I called her pastor and my pastor, and my sons. The pastors came, prayed and left. My sons, Susan and I stayed until around 7. Mother was tired and we were hungry. We later realized that none of us had eaten all day.
When I came back around 5 am the next morning, the nurse said she was just getting ready to call me as Mother was breathing with labored breaths. I went in, sat with her, sang softly the old hymns she loved so well (mostly Amazing Grace) and recited some of the Psalms until about 6:30 when she just stopped breathing. I was glad I was there.
I don't know how people get through death without God and friends. I couldn't have, but maybe I am a weaker person than most. It's okay. I like depending on God. And, for those who say God doesn't exist, I make only one statement - If I'm wrong, I've lost nothing; If you're wrong, you've lost everything. I like my odds better.
This was my era; peace, love, "flower power" time. I sang; I swayed; enjoyed it. It brought back a lot of old memories - football games, dances I wasn't supposed to attend, and people that I grew up with; some no longer alive.
Afterward I was privileged to attend a friend's birthday party at a local establishment. I must be getting old. I am starting to remember "The Good Ole Days." I remind myself of my mother who used to talk about her life and how good it was "way back when."
It also made me think of Sunday, which is Mother's Day. My own Mother died in 2003, after a short illness. I had not been with my Dad, when he died; nor with my husband. But I asked God if I could be with my Mother, and He granted that request.
For the last several weeks before she died, my sister, Susan, who lives in Montana, and I took turns being with her. I would go before school time, around 5 am, stay for an hour or two and then go to school. Susan would visit between 10 and 3 and stay for a while. I would stop off before I went home after school, and stay for a while longer. This regime went on from August until her death in October.
Her nurse told me when she only had approximately 24 hrs left. (You can tell by the nails - hand and foot- they gradually turn purple.) I learned a lot about death during those 3 years. My father died in 2000; my husband in 2002 and my mother 2003.
I called her pastor and my pastor, and my sons. The pastors came, prayed and left. My sons, Susan and I stayed until around 7. Mother was tired and we were hungry. We later realized that none of us had eaten all day.
When I came back around 5 am the next morning, the nurse said she was just getting ready to call me as Mother was breathing with labored breaths. I went in, sat with her, sang softly the old hymns she loved so well (mostly Amazing Grace) and recited some of the Psalms until about 6:30 when she just stopped breathing. I was glad I was there.
I don't know how people get through death without God and friends. I couldn't have, but maybe I am a weaker person than most. It's okay. I like depending on God. And, for those who say God doesn't exist, I make only one statement - If I'm wrong, I've lost nothing; If you're wrong, you've lost everything. I like my odds better.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Bush or Busch

This picture is a Komodo Dragon I caught on my phone camera. It was such a beautiful sunny day, he just had to indulge.
We also HAD to celebrate "Cinco de Mayo" afterward at a local Mexican Restaurant that was so packed that we have to wait 45 minutes even at 8:30 pm. The party there went on long after we left, I'm sure. It showed no signs of stopping any time soon and we left around 10:30 pm.
Their excitement is real and honest. I love that about them. They are so young and innocent. But they are growing up fast.
They have just this year moved to the public school scene. I'm not sure it was a good move but some interesting things have been discovered about one of their learning styles. It seems the older person has several learning challenges and they are being "handled" at the school where they attend. And, I use the word handled because as far as I am concerned, that is just about all the public school system can do at this point. No blame. Just observations. Being a former school teacher, I think I am qualified enough to make the statement.
I truly believe this school is doing the best they can. There are concerned administrators, teachers, and tutors doing the best they can within the bounds of what the state allows. And, state rules and regulations are a WHOLE different ballgame. (Don't get me started there)
I love these "little people." I love being with them and I love watching their reactions to everything. The "Princess" just loves being anywhere and doing "whatever." The more pragmatic, down to earth one, sees things differently and reacts differently - she is more serious and more reflective. No matter which one it is, they have certainly gotten hold on my heart, and I will try to give them the whole world. But, not today, we're just going bowling and to a movie, and probably DO Chinese food for dinner.
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