Thursday, March 06, 2014


Four A.M. And I'm wide awake.  This sometimes happens, but thankfully not often. The ticking of the clock seems to match the beating of my heart. I guess it's pacemaker is working too.  Same idea I guess.  Both are to keep the movements running smoothly. (It's a good thing.)

The less than happy thing about waking up so early is that my mind does it's best "flitting" at this time of the morning,  I think of fifty things at once and concentrate on none.

When I got up to get some juice, SOMEONE moved over onto my pillow.  She likes to lay across my pillows, Cleopatra-style.  She would probably like it if I peeled her a grape.  Took her to the Vet today.  Seems all is well as far as Dr Garrels is concerned.  She did blood work, clipped her nails and did a "cursory" exam.  I'll get the results tomorrow.

The Braves game we went to was fun.  It had been a long time since I had been to one and the weather was perfect.  Friends weren't bad either.  Charles always finds fun things to do. (Picture insert above.)

I have scheduled Physical Therapy starting on Tuesday.  Dr Macintosh from Mayo wrote a Rx for me to go.  He suggested this in lieu of surgery.  Hopefully this will strengthen my back muscles.  I'm looking forward to it.  I had a perfunctory eval on Monday.  I was sore in places I didn't even remember having, but it's supposed to help.  If think "Steel Magnolias" said it best, "What does not succeed in killing you makes you stronger."  That's about it.  I asked the therapist if i could hate her for a little while.  She just laughed.  She didn't know I was serious.

God is still good.

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