Wednesday, January 01, 2014

It's Here.

My first day of 2014 was relatively uneventful.  That's really okay with me. Charles is home, getting some  much needed rest. I think he's going to EPCOT tomorrow to let in some friends of ours, but that shouldn't take too long.  

He's invited some friends for lunch on Friday so Mary is coming to " spruce up the place." (Her words not mine.) She's so good to me. I am truly blessed to have her as a friend.

Ween is sound asleep, whining, and  snorting, and trying to outrun something. She makes strange noises in her sleep.  I pat her, calm her and she settles down. Last night she was really upset when they started shooting off the fireworks. (I don't understand Florida law - it's okay to buy fireworks,  but against the law to shoot them off.) She was scared, so she paced and had a hard time getting settled. I finally ended up giving her some calming treats. They helped, and she finally went to sleep.

Okay.  As I start this year, I hope and pray my health will be better.  I am also praying God's will for my life.  I'm sure it will be an interesting time, and as we follow God's leading, we will just hang on to see the miracles He is doing.

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