Friday, May 10, 2013


Having four great days, in the past, did not seem like much.  In fact, I usually just ignored the existence of "GOOD DAYS."  Not any more.  After having 2 or 3 weeks of intense pain and agony, I have just had four "MARVELOUS" days of feeling great.  Those days have truly been a gift from God.  

Pain exists to let us know something is wrong.  I already know something is wrong.  I don't want any more pain.  If I had said that in Tom's presence he probably would have said, "That is probably a statement that means you're fairly normal."  I'm just guessing, but he probably said it in heaven.

I have been able to go out and drive, by myself.  (So awesome.)  I have been to lunch and 2 different stores afterward.  (Not possible last week.)  I just want to PRAISE THE LORD, and thank Him for His goodness to me.  

I'm living in a brand new house.  I have food in the refrigerator, gas in my car, a little money in my checking account, and I want for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!  I am "EXHALING" as I write.  Thank you Jesus.  Thank you Holy Spirit.  Thank you God.

(And, Ween has plenty of dog food and treats.  She is thankful too.)

Sunday, May 05, 2013


Looking back on the last month, I realized I haven't posted for a while.

Moving into our new home has been such a blessing. I have a "walk-in shower" that I absolutely love, love, love.  Not only do I thank God for clean, hot water but also for the marvelous feeling of just walking into the space.  Ween has even ventured in a few times. Of course, that makes for a different shower and placement of water. (She loves the shower too.)

Moving has also caused a tremendous toll on my body.  I hate being unable to do things that previously were easy to do. I look forward to the day I can once again be mobile.

I have several procedures to be done in the next few months. Anything done can be complicated by taking Coumadin and my pacemaker.  Even with the cataract surgery, as simple as it has been reduced, I still could have complications due to my physical problems. May 21st is my scheduled surgery. I'm sure it will be fine.

I could never say how invaluable our friends are to us.   They have helped over and over again.  And, God   is   God. I don't know how to describe Him. Why He is so good to me, I'll never know. He just IS. Thank you seems so trite. Those words are all I can say, over and over. BLESSED BE THE LORD GOD!