Monday, December 31, 2012


The holidays are usually very busy and this year is no different.  My son, Tom, and his partner, Ty, visited from California; Edward came over from St Pete, and we partied for Tom's birthday.  Jikos, Sonnys, Pei Wai, Olive Garden, and Chick-fil-et are just some of the restaurants we frequented.  I "cooked" for Christmas Day.  Actually, I got things ready and Tom finished when they came over for lunch.  Not my usually, Christmas dinner or decorations, but we were together, and that was so meaningful to me.

Tom and Ty stayed at DAK Lodge for a night; visited DAK and even rested some.  Edward stayed with me while here as he also brought Joey, his Lab/Chow.  Wiener was a brat to Joey, but he lived through it. I hate her acting so mean but she's a spoiled Princess.  What can I say. Mock says I'm to blame, and he's probably right.

Being blessed, I received some nice presents and enjoyed the company.  It was great to have everyone, but it was more than I had done in a long time, so I was physically exhausted and even got a cold some time during the visits. I wasn't able to "go" with everyone, but hopefully next year will be easier.

They have finally broken ground on the house.  It seems so long for me, but I suppose it is just my eagerness to move and have it over with.  I know it's going to be great and I like living with Charles.  I hope Ween isn't too much for him.

Mary is out of town right now, but will be back soon.  I miss her when she doesn't visit with me.  She is such an "upper" in spirit and energy.  I am so blessed to have her as a friend.

Ween is sleeping off her "doggie food" she just ate and relaxes so completely that she doesn't even know when I get off the couch.  She takes good care of "Mommy."  I am truly blessed.

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