Wednesday, September 12, 2012

There's No Place Like Home, Dorothy

Dr Filart released me to go home yesterday.  The only person more tired than me was Ween. We got home, ate a sandwich, and both sacked out on the bed. She slept most of the day, but I was up and down a few times.  I don't even really remember the day except we were home.

I woke up about 6.  Ween is still sacked out under the cover.  She has hardly left my side.  I think she missed me as much as I missed her.

I have a bandage over the place they inserted the pacemaker.  I can't get it wet until at least Friday.  I am TOTAL bed rest for 5 days, except for Dr appt Thursday to check my blood clotting level.  I have to go to the Heart Clinic for that. I am " basically" isolated for 5 weeks.  That period of time covers our trip to NY for Charles' birthday party.  I don't know if Dr Filart will allow me to go or not.  I am to make an appointment within 2 weeks, and that will be a "pacemaker" adjustment, if necessary, and check me out to see if everything is okay.

I am so grateful to God for His hand in everything that was done.  I guess He's not ready for me yet.  I am used to staying inside, but Dr Filart wants me to be careful of crowds and not come into contact with a lot of people.  I'm supposed to get a "card" that says I have a pacemaker so that when the alarms go off, they won't cart me away to the POKEY.

I am looking forward to today.  It will be exciting and new.  PTL.

1 comment:

mommomish said...

Love you