Dr Andrew has made a pronouncement - Wiener needs to lose weight. SHE IS NOT A HAPPY CAMPER. He also changed her brand of "dog food." (She hates it.) After a week of not eating anything, I called Andrew and he said to put her back on her regular food. Since that little fiasco didn't work, she has gone on a "hunger strike" and has quit eating dog food altogether, or two or three pieces of food per every second or third day. Rather than let her go without food, guess who caved in first. I'll give you a hint - It wasn't Bob. I bought some rotisserie chicken from Publix; separated it into several sets; put it in baggies and threw it in the freezer. I also had some roast beef that was frozen. The only thing she likes better than chicken is . . . you got it, roast beef.
I don't like admitting that a small, feisty, little thing like Wiener is so stubborn that I would give in first, but I couldn't stand seeing her NOT eat. Her stomach would make all sorts of rolling and grumbling sounds. She has this very pitiful look that almost makes you cry when you see her. I call that her "squinty-eyed" look. She squints at you, as if she is trying to find out just what you are thinking and then opens up those "brown-black" little marbles and looks so TOTALLY innocent and can't even imagine why you would be upset with her; throws herself on the floor and shows her stomach to you so that you can rub her tummy. She is such a brat. But, a cute one isn't she? even if she is looking more like a bratwurst than a wiener. The real question is - Is she sitting or standing? It's really hard to tell.
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