Thursday, July 10, 2008

New Adventure

God willing, on Saturday, which happens to be my .. birthday, I will be going to a condo on the beach for 10 days. I have had several drs "advise" me to quit my job because of all the stress. I don't "feel" stressed, except what I put on myself, but this is the alternative to quitting.

Several happy things are happening this week besides the trip - My wonderful friend Barb is coming down on Sunday to spend some time with me at the condo. We both get rejuvanated at the beach and we kind of do our own things when we vacation. We read, swim, walk, shop, eat, at any time we want. Oh yes, and sleep. We used to get together every summer at a beach, but we haven't for a while. I have missed that and I know she has too.

Another happy thing is my sister-in-law and her son, daughter-in-law and their children are visiting for the next 6-8 days. The sad things is I won't be able to spend the time with them. We went to eat last night and we are going on Friday night, but that is about it. I really appreciate my sister-in-law. She was a tremendous help when my husband died. She will never know how much she means to me. She even took his shirts and made a quilt out of them for me. She is a professional quilter and gets hundreds-thousands of dollars for her work. The one she made me was truly a labor of love for me and for her brother.

I will probably "blog" while I am gone but I'm not sure what type of computer set-up is at the condo, but I may not be able to publish it until I return. I will take pictures and make notes. I am very anxious to leave.

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