A very close relative of mine (remember-no names) spent several hours with me Sat at the emergency room as I had another round with this stomach problem. I am so tired of this. I had to leave work, but all the tests were negative. The Dr said there was probably residuals from the "flu" that I had earlier in the week. (I'll spare you the gory details.) She gave me 2 shots to ease the pain and I finally woke up today and was able to function again. I don't remember what it was, but man it certainly worked. And, if you have to visit a hospital, my advice is Sand Lake Hospital on Turkey Lake Rd in Orlando, and Dr O'Brien is totally awesome. If she was in practice somewhere, I would DEFINITELY recommend her.
Today I had to have another set of bloodwork done - 3 in 2 weeks. My question - Where does all this blood go and why do they like mine better than any other person I know. It must be valuable! I think I'll start selling it. That would be a better way to make vacation money. On the other hand...
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