We got Bob's test results today. As far as the Dr can tell from the tests that were run, the cancer is contained within the prostate. The Dr has suggested surgery within 4 weeks. Bob has agreed. There are always complications with any surgery, but less if they do lapaorscopic, and minimal time off. God is so good.
A new addition to our "family" is a miniature daschund. She answers to the name of "Wiener" and has more energy than Bob and me put together. But, only for about 4 minutes, then she has to sleep 3 hrs. Bob likes her and she adores him, so I guess we will keep her. She will also be great company for him while he is "recooping" from his surgery.

I "got to" take her to the vet today to be "violated" as Bob calls it. But, examined, shots, and recommendations from Andrew who is a vet that also happens to be a friend. She did very well, but acted like a "maniac" while she was there - running in circles, sniffing everything, trying to get to know a VERY LARGE dog whose name should be 'GODZILLA', if it isn't. I swear to you - I thought it was a bear when I first saw it. Any dog taller than me, has to be one big dog. He weighed in at 167 lbs. It wasn't a Mastiff nor St Bernard. I had never seen one like this before. (It probably has it's own zip code) But she was willing to take it on - all 8 lbs of her. (I didn't say she was smart).
Yes. Today was a good day at all the doctors.
I have been severely chastised for mentioning names in my blog. AND RIGHTLY SO!!!
I have lived with my life being an open book for so long that I forget some people are VERY private. I have apologized to the person I mentioned and will "try" not to mention names again. And now, to those of you few who read my blog, I'm also sorry that I gave out personal information on someone else. (Life is so daily). I am reminded of the song by Billy Joel - "Only the Good Die Young" and if that is true I will live to be a ripe old age. But, I prefer to compare myself with good wine and cheese - getting better with age.
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