We are very fortunate where we work, in that we have a lot of perks. One of them is being able to "pop" in and out of the theme parks when we want to do so. Yesterday, one of my favorite people gave us VIP passes to see Paul Revere and the Raiders at the "F & G" show. This year, I was able to go with my husband. Which is another perk, as far as I am concerned.
I am getting ready to go to KY for my "step-brother's " service. We waited because of winter weather issues. Emily, my "sister", has had to shoulder the burden of all that has transpired since Marshall's disappearance. She has done a wonderful job. It is very hard dealing with the death of a loved one, but his was so sudden and so surreal that it made it harder for me, and I'm sure almost impossible for her.
She had to deal with 2 governments, attorneys, courts, and all the "legalese" of everything that has transpired. So, on Sat we will deal with a service. The last time I was in London, KY was for her Mother's funeral several years ago. This will not be any easier, especially since we haven't any "person" to bury.
But, as I sat at the concert last night, I was reminded of the last time I was at the park with Marshall. It was for the Food and Wine Festival. He called it the "Wine and Food" Festival. I asked him why and he said that I had my priorities and he had his. His dry sense of humor comforts me even now when I can hear his voice as I walk around the park.
I wish you had known him. He had a brilliant mind and eclectic taste. I loved being around him because he knew so much about everything and taught me more than I could ever describe in this limited space. I wish I could have known him even better.
If you think of us this week, remember us as we travel and especially on Saturday around 1:00 pm. We could use your prayers.