I thought I might be back in school to finish my counseling degree; I wasn't planning on getting married again; I thought I would possibly be moving into a new house with Charles; and, on and on with things that could have happened and didn't, and things thought impossible coming to pass with little or no effort.
I've traveled some; vacationed for over a month; and, enjoyed creating a new life with a new husband. This has been our first Christmas holiday together. He spent entirely too much money on me so I've restricted him to only 2 presents at any given occasion. (We'll see)
This is a picture of Bob resting after having surgery. (There are some holiday decorations around him) He's much better and I think anxious to get back to work. His first day is tomorrow. He's not sure if he has been reinstated at work, so he may be back home shortly after he leaves. We'll see.
As I look toward this next year, I am trying to imagine what will be happening. It's probably a good thing we don't know the future. There would be nothing to look forward to - and that would be a sad commentary on life.
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