Thursday, June 14, 2007


Surprises are not always good, but with Bob they are. He bought me two new sets of bookcases, put them together, and had them in place when I got home today. I also had a delivery of a table, mirror and lamp for the alcove of the apartment. He also added me to his AAA motor club because he didn't want me to have car trouble and not have any way to get help. (He continues to take care of me.)

This week has been hard - He's working 3-11, and I haven't seen him for 4 days AND NIGHTS!!! I have already worked 35+ hrs this week and I am only on my 3rd day of work. It's a good things he isn't here, I guess. He works his other job tomorrow and Sat, so he will be home at night. WAHOO!!!

I made reservations at one of the "nice" restaurants on property for tomorrow night. He's never been there, so we'll see. I had one of the managers give me his reservation. He couldn't use it and I happened to mention it was one of my favorites. I can't wait.

Then again, maybe we need to stay home.

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