What is it about short people and trying to do things they shouldn't? I am not typing very quickly right now due to "slight" injuries-one of my "Seemed like a good idea at the time" ideas.
It was too warm in the bedroom sooooo I decided to turn on the fan over the bed. Little did I know the light would come on with the fan switch. I really didn't want to have the light on, so I figured out that I needed to "unscrew" the light cover and loosen the bulb because the light switch on the fan would not move to turn off the light. (Obviously faulty) Everything was fine until I tried to put the cover "back" on the light. Needless to say, I'm not quite tall enough to do that, easily, while standing on the bed. My weight lowers the bed level. (Who knew?)
So, when Bob came home at midnight, I had blood running down my left arm, black and blue marks on my right arm, scrapes on my leg and a funny colored big toe on my right foot; Not to mention the moaning sounds I was making. The bulb was hanging from the socket by the filament wires. He just started shaking his head in disbelief.
He bandaged my bloody arm, used his pliers to get the broken bulb out of the socket; replaced the bulb and cover and tried to get me to go get xrays of my right arm. He "implied" that he hadn't had that much work to do all night. The theme park had less accidents.
I was in so much pain the next day, I went to a local Centra Care office and had x-rays. Nothing broken, but lots of bruises and pain. I am now in a brace with a "school bus yellow" wrap on it, and I have had two days at work with reduced work strats. (I think it glows in the dark) I dont' even want to go into the teasing I have had when I was asked what happened and I answered "I fell off the bed." Everyone knows I am a newlywed so you can imagine the comments.
It couldn't have happened at a better time, if there could be a good time. I am now officially on a planned vacation for 2 weeks, or more accurately a delayed honeymoon. Bob's birthday party is on Friday and we're spending a few days at the theme parks so I really wouldn't be working anyway. It will certainly be interesting.
Who knew you could use a chair to reach the light? I have married a genius.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Have you ever met someone who you just don't always see eye to eye with, and you are at opposite ends on a lot of issues? Sometimes this is my new husband and me. Sometimes not. I personally like it when it is not, but he seems to "THRIVE" on disagreeing. In fact, he laughs at me when he has me to the point of frustration on any particular item. Is that fair?

He also has a Garfield hand puppet that he compares to me or visa versa. He says I'm a lot like THE cat - short blond "fuzz" for hair, big eyes when I get excited, "princess" mentality - need I go on? He has also "personified" the cat. Of course, the cat always wins. (We're all surprised about that.)
I personally don't see it. I have offered to call his Dr. There has to be medication for him. But the interesting things is, when "I" try to blame the cat, he says it couldn't be possible for the cat to do that (whatever I say about the cat) and yet, I've seen that cat in action. It isn't pretty. Oh no. Now I've started acting like the cat is real. I wonder if there is enough medication for both of us?
This is "THE CAT" watching me work on the computer. I'm not sure whether Bob has a warped sense of humor, or I'm hallucinating. Either way, life is interesting.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Surprises are not always good, but with Bob they are. He bought me two new sets of bookcases, put them together, and had them in place when I got home today. I also had a delivery of a table, mirror and lamp for the alcove of the apartment. He also added me to his AAA motor club because he didn't want me to have car trouble and not have any way to get help. (He continues to take care of me.)
This week has been hard - He's working 3-11, and I haven't seen him for 4 days AND NIGHTS!!! I have already worked 35+ hrs this week and I am only on my 3rd day of work. It's a good things he isn't here, I guess. He works his other job tomorrow and Sat, so he will be home at night. WAHOO!!!
I made reservations at one of the "nice" restaurants on property for tomorrow night. He's never been there, so we'll see. I had one of the managers give me his reservation. He couldn't use it and I happened to mention it was one of my favorites. I can't wait.
Then again, maybe we need to stay home.
This week has been hard - He's working 3-11, and I haven't seen him for 4 days AND NIGHTS!!! I have already worked 35+ hrs this week and I am only on my 3rd day of work. It's a good things he isn't here, I guess. He works his other job tomorrow and Sat, so he will be home at night. WAHOO!!!
I made reservations at one of the "nice" restaurants on property for tomorrow night. He's never been there, so we'll see. I had one of the managers give me his reservation. He couldn't use it and I happened to mention it was one of my favorites. I can't wait.
Then again, maybe we need to stay home.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Only days
There are only 8 more "working" days until Bob and I actually celebrate our marriage. We were both so busy at the time of the ceremony, that we decided to wait to take time off. On the 21st my time starts and on the the 22nd Bob works his last day for a while.
If you've read my blog, you might remember that Bob has taken off two days 2 times previously, and they were very "eventful" to say the least. The first two days we fought; the second two were part of a week of me with the stomach flu. So, who knows.
I PERSONALLY feel it will be wonderful; Bob is a little more skeptical. I don't know. This marriage thing is certainly different. I spent almost 36 years with one man - We grew up together and we did a lot of things together in those many years.
Bob, on the other hand, is a totally new entity into this mix I call my life. He is totally different than ANYONE I have ever known. And, he has years of experiences with other people I can't even imagine. We both bring all these events to our marriage.
He speaks of things from his experiences, and I haven't any frame of reference. For instance, he was once a stock-car driver and loves racing. I thought Nascar was a type of hybrid vehicle. He talks of shoveling snow and it is a far distant memory for me; He wants melmac, I love crystal; he hates country music and I am just beginning to enjoy it; opera for him is big women screaming at little men-La Boheme is one of my loves.
God certainly has a sense of humor though. Putting us together is tantamount to possibly adding vinegar to soda. But, we DO have a few things in common - we both have mustangs, and we have a strong love for each other. Our life might maybe be described in Disney Terms as "Mr Toad's Wild Ride." But, if you remember - "Mr Toad" has been replaced by Winnie the Pooh. Interesting is it not? And, Oh yes, he just bought me a dozen more roses. He's so sweet.
If you've read my blog, you might remember that Bob has taken off two days 2 times previously, and they were very "eventful" to say the least. The first two days we fought; the second two were part of a week of me with the stomach flu. So, who knows.
I PERSONALLY feel it will be wonderful; Bob is a little more skeptical. I don't know. This marriage thing is certainly different. I spent almost 36 years with one man - We grew up together and we did a lot of things together in those many years.
Bob, on the other hand, is a totally new entity into this mix I call my life. He is totally different than ANYONE I have ever known. And, he has years of experiences with other people I can't even imagine. We both bring all these events to our marriage.
He speaks of things from his experiences, and I haven't any frame of reference. For instance, he was once a stock-car driver and loves racing. I thought Nascar was a type of hybrid vehicle. He talks of shoveling snow and it is a far distant memory for me; He wants melmac, I love crystal; he hates country music and I am just beginning to enjoy it; opera for him is big women screaming at little men-La Boheme is one of my loves.
God certainly has a sense of humor though. Putting us together is tantamount to possibly adding vinegar to soda. But, we DO have a few things in common - we both have mustangs, and we have a strong love for each other. Our life might maybe be described in Disney Terms as "Mr Toad's Wild Ride." But, if you remember - "Mr Toad" has been replaced by Winnie the Pooh. Interesting is it not? And, Oh yes, he just bought me a dozen more roses. He's so sweet.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
I Hope This Works
Once again, I've had another brilliant idea-I am trying to arrange a dual "SURPRISE" birthday party for Bret and Bob; their dobs are 5 days apart. I don't think Julie is too excited about it, but I think it will be "interesting", at the least. Since neither Bob nor Bret read my blog, I think I'm safe reporting this.
June 22 starting @ 5ish at the same place as our wedding. For those who read this and know me, you're invited. Call if you need directions.
I am applying for another job - it is a "Dream" job in more ways than one. I went to two leadership meetings yesterday. I'm not much for meetings any more. The Good Lord knows I've been in a "gadzillion" in my lifetime, but these were different and actually enjoyable. The second one was about this new position. It is to make dreams come true. Wow. I've always wanted to do that. Who knows; maybe I can.
June 22 starting @ 5ish at the same place as our wedding. For those who read this and know me, you're invited. Call if you need directions.
I am applying for another job - it is a "Dream" job in more ways than one. I went to two leadership meetings yesterday. I'm not much for meetings any more. The Good Lord knows I've been in a "gadzillion" in my lifetime, but these were different and actually enjoyable. The second one was about this new position. It is to make dreams come true. Wow. I've always wanted to do that. Who knows; maybe I can.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Ever have something happen and you just want to ask God, "What were you thinking?" I sometimes feel that God and I are on different pages in the book of my life.
This week I have had many items of interest in my life. I worked approximately 60 hrs; it was my last day at one of the parks-I had been subbing for one of the RSIIs; I had a friend call that I had not heard from nor seen since 1962 and we had lunch; and yesterday Tom and I would have been married 40 years. So many memories are lost within this "gray matter" I sometimes refer to as my brain, yet the emotions of all my life come flooding back at times.
Where I am today is "comfortable" and I feel "blessed" for my life. So why am I mulling over all my past memories?
I am considering changing jobs. It's not that I don't love my job-I do; and the people I work with, but I've done just about everything I can at this level. Either I go higher, as a Manager, or I switch departments.
I don't know about being a Manager. There are many perks "annnnd" many things not so "perky." Do I want to "gear up" to be a Manager? Would they even hire me as one? I don't know.
I have applied for a position as a recruiter for the "The College Program." That sounded interesting. With that, I would be traveling 18-24 weeks a year. Don't get me wrong, I like to travel. Could I travel THAT much? I don't know. Would Bob miss me? Probably not. He's very self sufficient and really doesn't need me much at all. Would I miss him? ABSOLUTELY. We'll see. I am always excited to find out "WHAT GOD WAS THINKING?"
This week I have had many items of interest in my life. I worked approximately 60 hrs; it was my last day at one of the parks-I had been subbing for one of the RSIIs; I had a friend call that I had not heard from nor seen since 1962 and we had lunch; and yesterday Tom and I would have been married 40 years. So many memories are lost within this "gray matter" I sometimes refer to as my brain, yet the emotions of all my life come flooding back at times.
Where I am today is "comfortable" and I feel "blessed" for my life. So why am I mulling over all my past memories?
I am considering changing jobs. It's not that I don't love my job-I do; and the people I work with, but I've done just about everything I can at this level. Either I go higher, as a Manager, or I switch departments.
I don't know about being a Manager. There are many perks "annnnd" many things not so "perky." Do I want to "gear up" to be a Manager? Would they even hire me as one? I don't know.
I have applied for a position as a recruiter for the "The College Program." That sounded interesting. With that, I would be traveling 18-24 weeks a year. Don't get me wrong, I like to travel. Could I travel THAT much? I don't know. Would Bob miss me? Probably not. He's very self sufficient and really doesn't need me much at all. Would I miss him? ABSOLUTELY. We'll see. I am always excited to find out "WHAT GOD WAS THINKING?"
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