We tried to find a restaurant where we could have a bagel, or fruit and sit quietly to meditate and reflect or giggle, whichever came first. After several searches, we found a FOOD COURT area listed on the directory. (We finally resorted to directions) Not all food courts are created equal. This one had 5 or 6 different restaurants just like at home, but not like at home, they all offered the same food-Chinese. I don't know if you know it or not, but Chinese like to mix several food items into bowls and eat it that way; shrimp and noodles and what-ever-else they can possibly throw into a bowl. We didn't see OUR breakfast food, so we kept moving to another restaurant area.
We finally saw Starbucks and got our usual. Venti at home doesn't mean Venti here. Their largest drink size is about our Grande size, but we were happy to find the place. We could have gotten something to eat there, but that would have been too easy. We had to try to find the other corner deli-type place where we had gotten croissants, etc. the other day. After some searching we found it, went in and ordered. We had difficulty convincing the ladies at the counter that we wanted to eat THERE. They wanted to "bag" our order. After we were finally seated, we were informed there was a charge for eating in their little establishment in addition to the food we purchased; probably for just the sheer pleasure of being there. We said to each other, "How much could it be? (Never assume!!!)
After being served our scones, croissant, etc. one of the younger ladies came over and brought us holders for our Starbucks cups and replaced the Starbucks holders with their "logo" holders. It seems once again the Ugly Americans were offensive to another nationality. While it is acceptable to take Starbucks into Panera at home, it obviously isn't acceptable in Hong Kong. We apologized and "ate quickly" telling ourselves we were in a hurry to meet Charles.
Sandy and Julie were charged double the original cost of the food for the "privilege to eat in" cost. I, on the other hand, only paid 5 HK dollars more. That was probably because I am cuter.
We met up with Charles, took the Express Bus to Stanley Market; one of the best places in Hong Kong to shop. And, SHOP we did. It was a great day until Julie and Charles ditched us in the market. Being the wonderful, knowing, kind people Sandy and I are, we didn't panic; we went back to the restaurant. Charles and Julie, on the other hand, hardly noticed we were gone. (Not true Charles ran all over trying to find us) Sandy and I left a note with the waiter at the restaurant and took off to shop some more. Being a very small area, we quickly found them and resumed our shopping mode.
We decided NOT to try to go to the Ladies Market today, as we were mostly pooped and still had to move all our things to Hollywood Hotel "on property" at Disney. Instead, we decided to dump our wonderful purchases in Charles' room, eat dinner at "Dan Ryans" in the hotel and then go back and trek out to Lantau Island to our new digs.
We met a very interesting bloke on the bus coming back. He was Australian. Julie and Sandy like to tease me that I can't detect the different between UK and Australian accents. I haven't hit it right yet. At least I'm consistent. (It's okay; they have to love me.) I half expected him to show up at Dan Ryans. He is just retired, divorced and traveling alone. It seemed to me if we had asked him, he would have gone to dinner with us. Who knows, maybe we will see him tomorrow at Macau.
The Hollywood hotel is just like t

we have stayed, totally beautiful, but this theme is retro 40s with the movie emphasis throughout (Only 6 months old, sparkling, awesome). The pool is so neat shaped like a piano with the entry edge of the pool painted as the keyboard. The view from our window is unbelievable; lots of lights around the hotel plus the lights from Disneyland. Charles has really taken us "first class" all the way here.

This picture to the right is the entrance to the hotel.

The picture on the left is on the way to the pool area.

The picture on the right has a metal pole across the entrance to the pool area. It is hard to see it, but there is water streaming from the pole. It falls into a cascading area that you walk through to get to the pool. This is a very nice way to get people to shower before they enter the pool.
We have laughed until we have cried, shared
more information than we care to admit (TMI), and done so many things that I can't include. But when it comes right down to it, we have had fun! (Julie thinks she should be able to refute any aspersions cast upon her good name; maybe later)
1 comment:
I found you.What a wonderful trip.
And Julie's husband let her go...I see, she had to go to watch after you.
I'll have to pray a lot to keep from being jealous.
Have a good time.
See you soon.
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