My allergist on Monday - infected right ear, sinus and bronchitis - kind of rhymes doesn't it - and, sarcoma is active again - trouble breathing; easily winded. I put the scripts into the pharmacy. The ear drops are $124.00. (Yeh, like that is going to happen) She DID give me a new inhaler and I didn't have to buy that.
New dentist on Wed (am) - I've had the same dentist for the last 35 years; new adventure. Exam; x-rays; eval. Nothing wrong that $1,000 won't take care of. Interesting.
Follow up with regular doctor - Wed (pm) Blood work back - high thyroid; triglycerides; and, not losing weight. WAHOO!!! Needless to say, this has not been a "happy" good news week. And, what do doctors know - They are only practicing any way. Three new scripts from her.

I don't know. Seems to me that you can't afford to live; and you can't afford the medicine to help you feel better; and, you can't afford to die. What is the alternative?
I asked Ween what to do - she yawned; turned over and went back to sleep. She is so smart. I think I'll follow her example.
New puppies on the farm. Who knew she was pregnant? Mommy and babies doing fine. So is daddy.