I guess the diagnosis I received was the best possible scenario - The Dr found 3 areas that are "seeping" blood, but not infected. He said they weren't ulcers, but he couldn't tell what caused the irritation. There was nothing in the colon, not even polyps. All in all, a pretty easy gig. He believes that with prilosec and zantac, that should be enough to help the healing. I'm a little sore today, but I'm glad I took the day off to rest a little more.
Bob stayed with me today. He is worn out. He works 7 days a week; it's too much. I don't know who needed the rest more, me or him. I had my first chocolate today that my hubby bought me. It's dark chocolate and Ghiadelli; mmmmm.
My sister calls me a brat. She might be right, but I'm having fun. I think she might be a "little" jealous, but that's okay. I guess she might have a right to be. All in all, I'm really enjoying this married stuff. And, it's all good.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
"THE" Procedure
Bob suggested that they just do one procedure - using an instrument similar to a "bottle brush" and starting at the stop, just move the instrument downward; "Whew" enough said. I don't think that would work, but who knows, it might. My hubby is soooooooo creative. I think I'll leave it up to the dr though.
Speaking of Bob, this wonderful man today bought me 18 roses and some Ghiadelli chocolates. (Picture Included) Why? I don't know. He just did. I can't believe him. I know I don't deserve such lovely presents, but I really like receiving them. He makes me feel so special. I could never explain how much he means to me. It is overwhelming at times. And, "Just in case", as Esther Zissamopoulous used to say, "I fall off the end of the earth on Monday", or some such happening, I want to go on record as saying - I AM BLESSED; far more than I could ever deserve. God is so good; all the time! All the time; God is good. And that concept is even more overwhelming.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Every Event
It seems as if every major "holiday" or event turns out to be a gigantic production in my family, and Mother's Day was no exception.
"The guys" started about two weeks ago wanting to know - "where, when, how many, etc" that we wanted to go to for the event and it went down hill from there. We finally settled, on Sunday morning, for Outback at 1:00. That time was changed with the event of an accident on I-4 (whatever did we do without cell phones) and we finally met about 1:30.
Lunch went well - 3 of my 4 guys were there. Bret and the girls came over Sat night for a cook out as Sunday is a very hard time for him to do anything extra with all his duties at church. Julie was in Atlanta and due back some time yesterday. Happy, Happy all around, but no flowers.
I sound ungrateful, don't I? Well, maybe I am, but I can't remember a Mother's Day without flowers from at least one of my guys. In actuality, it isn't Bob's responsibility to get me flowers for Mother's Day, but I would have taken them from any one. Oh well. Life goes on. I'm not REALLY upset, and, there is always next year. I DID get an itune card and a CD and cards. I am blessed.
"The guys" started about two weeks ago wanting to know - "where, when, how many, etc" that we wanted to go to for the event and it went down hill from there. We finally settled, on Sunday morning, for Outback at 1:00. That time was changed with the event of an accident on I-4 (whatever did we do without cell phones) and we finally met about 1:30.
Lunch went well - 3 of my 4 guys were there. Bret and the girls came over Sat night for a cook out as Sunday is a very hard time for him to do anything extra with all his duties at church. Julie was in Atlanta and due back some time yesterday. Happy, Happy all around, but no flowers.
I sound ungrateful, don't I? Well, maybe I am, but I can't remember a Mother's Day without flowers from at least one of my guys. In actuality, it isn't Bob's responsibility to get me flowers for Mother's Day, but I would have taken them from any one. Oh well. Life goes on. I'm not REALLY upset, and, there is always next year. I DID get an itune card and a CD and cards. I am blessed.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Surprised by Love
This man, my new husband, just 2 days short of two months ago, is unbelievable. He has now seen me at my worst, or I hope this is it, and he has made it through. He waited on me hand and foot, "hovered", and when he went to the store to get crackers and ginger ale, he also brought me some lovely "shades of pink" roses. (Picture to the right) He even changed my windshield wipers for me today.
Why does he do this? I guess he really does love me. Wow!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Porcelain is better seen as a figurine
This week has been "interesting, if not enjoyable", as Tom would have said. Saturday I started with a headache and felt nauseated, and it progressed from there. Without the gory details, suffice to say that I have been desperately ill from what I surmise is a stomach flu. It has been a very long time since I have been this sick.
Today I am home with the immense headache it all started with but it is subsiding somewhat for I am able to keep crackers and ginger ale in my stomach, so far this morning. Why is that important in the scheme of things - it is only annoying; another crises averted. And, I am not a good patient, by the way. I prefer for people to leave me alone when I am sick and today, I am alone. Bob has gone back to work.
He took Sunday and Monday off, with the anticipation of us spending some time together. I don't know, it seems as if we are not supposed to be off at the same time, or is it my imagination? The last time he took off, we got into a humongous argument and hardly spoke all week end. (Something stupid, by the way) This time, I got desperately ill. Sounds like a pattern to me.
Now we are planning to be off for about a week and half in June - What then? I dare not think. I just assume it will be a wonderful time of rest and relaxation. Yes. It is true what my son Tom says, "I DO live in Fantasyland in the State of Confusion", and it works for me.
Today I am home with the immense headache it all started with but it is subsiding somewhat for I am able to keep crackers and ginger ale in my stomach, so far this morning. Why is that important in the scheme of things - it is only annoying; another crises averted. And, I am not a good patient, by the way. I prefer for people to leave me alone when I am sick and today, I am alone. Bob has gone back to work.
He took Sunday and Monday off, with the anticipation of us spending some time together. I don't know, it seems as if we are not supposed to be off at the same time, or is it my imagination? The last time he took off, we got into a humongous argument and hardly spoke all week end. (Something stupid, by the way) This time, I got desperately ill. Sounds like a pattern to me.
Now we are planning to be off for about a week and half in June - What then? I dare not think. I just assume it will be a wonderful time of rest and relaxation. Yes. It is true what my son Tom says, "I DO live in Fantasyland in the State of Confusion", and it works for me.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Today is one of the most devastating day of my young life. I can't believe it has finally happened. I have not received such chilling news since my hair dresser moved and left no forwarding address. (It's not true that he changed his vocation to race-car mechanic just rather than to work on my hair again)
My oldest natural son, Tom, just sent me an email and my world has come to a crashing halt - The Gilmore Girls last episode is May 15, FOREVER!!! Awwwwwww. I can't believe it. Where am I to go? What am I to do?
I don't think they understand - Where can I get my "Luke" fix? Where will Kim go to drool over "Logan?" Who will take care of Lorelei? Oh woe is me. I can't imagine where I will go from here.
My oldest natural son, Tom, just sent me an email and my world has come to a crashing halt - The Gilmore Girls last episode is May 15, FOREVER!!! Awwwwwww. I can't believe it. Where am I to go? What am I to do?
I don't think they understand - Where can I get my "Luke" fix? Where will Kim go to drool over "Logan?" Who will take care of Lorelei? Oh woe is me. I can't imagine where I will go from here.
Do you know how hard it is to eat organic? Not to mention the cost? Man!
Since I am having some health issues, one suggestion was to go to organic foods and probiotics for the stomach. Well, I am here to tell you that it is very hard to try to eat all the food necessary during the day not to mention trying to get your lunch ready each morning. I think I must be basically lazy when it comes to prep work. It's just like doing the dishes; you just have to keep doing them over and over. (Boring)
Bob says that he expects me to eat the lawn next, but REALLY the organic food tastes better than the non-organic food. The tomatoes, especially, taste so much better than the regular ones in the store. They actually have a flavor and are so juicy; so are the apples and the veggies not to mention the meats.
Bob doesn't know it but he is eating organic too, that is except when he decides we need to go out to eat. I try to keep it as "free" as possible, but I don't know. Is it doing more damage going back and forth or not?
I can honestly say that I do enjoy fixing all the new foods and trying to cook so that every meal is appetizing and edible. I think I'll probably keep working at it. It really is worth while. Actually, my stomach is in better shape and I'm not quite as tired as I was, so maybe this organic stuff is really the way to go. I guess for now, I'll keep trying. Who knows, I might actually get use to it.
Since I am having some health issues, one suggestion was to go to organic foods and probiotics for the stomach. Well, I am here to tell you that it is very hard to try to eat all the food necessary during the day not to mention trying to get your lunch ready each morning. I think I must be basically lazy when it comes to prep work. It's just like doing the dishes; you just have to keep doing them over and over. (Boring)
Bob says that he expects me to eat the lawn next, but REALLY the organic food tastes better than the non-organic food. The tomatoes, especially, taste so much better than the regular ones in the store. They actually have a flavor and are so juicy; so are the apples and the veggies not to mention the meats.
Bob doesn't know it but he is eating organic too, that is except when he decides we need to go out to eat. I try to keep it as "free" as possible, but I don't know. Is it doing more damage going back and forth or not?
I can honestly say that I do enjoy fixing all the new foods and trying to cook so that every meal is appetizing and edible. I think I'll probably keep working at it. It really is worth while. Actually, my stomach is in better shape and I'm not quite as tired as I was, so maybe this organic stuff is really the way to go. I guess for now, I'll keep trying. Who knows, I might actually get use to it.
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