The last few weeks have been hectic, to say the least. I am now working full time and since I left teaching, I really haven't wanted to work this hard, but here I am again, "back in the saddle" so to speak.
One of the perks of my job is being allowed to attend great events that are presented "on property." Thursday night I went to one of those happenings. It was presented by employees - singing, dancing, comedy routines, and those playing instruments in the orchestra all done for the cause of Juvenile Diabetes Research. Even the people who ran the sound equipment volunteered, and of course the venue was free, compliments of our company. It was one of the most outstanding concerts I have been to in a very long time. It was hard to believe that they were NOT professional performers. I am so sorry you missed it. The music of Stephen Schwartz, who was responsible for the music for Pippin, Wicked and many of our own successful animated pictures, was outstanding. Truly a talented, gifted person.
Some would say what I do all day is not working. My older son says I
almost have a real job. Be that as it may, I am outside each day for approximately 6 hrs in the blazing FL sun. Temperature index at work yesterday was 106. THAT IS HOT!
Why do I do it? I could probably live on my present retirement income. My younger son takes very good care of me and I suppose I "COULD" take it easy and not work, but what would I do every day?
could volunteer. I
could just work a part-time job. I
could even run around and have fun, except most everyone I know is busy working or have prior commitments. So, why not work? And even better, why not enjoy what you do? Not many people can say that. And, the "perks" are UN-BELIEVE-ABLE!